Saturday, March 26, 2016

believe no more

Believe no more that any one is responsible for your pain and suffering - Then you will start living life in her fullness and totality and it is not possible for you again to be a victim of any situation any more.

how do you want to be treated?

there is a old saying that goes - treat others the way you want to be treated. the question is how do you want to be treated? how do you treat yourself? have you been kind to yourself? do you live in a constant fear and worry? do you have respect for who you really are? have you loved and accepted who you are? are you forgiving? do you hold grudges against others --- ? the truth is, it is only when you are willing to be kind to yourself, someone can be kind to you because on the higher level anything you see outside of you is not different from who you really are.

better days

Only someone who waits for the future to come believes that better days are yet to come. why wait my friend? let the perfume of life, the eternal now flood you over. what happens when you relax and let your hands open? everything that you have been holding onto will fly way making a space for the river to flow through it. all your waiting will fly away. all your worries will fly away. all your doubt will fly away. only you will remain. only love will remain. only this song will remain, the song that does not refer to anything other than its own perfection, the song what you knew how to sing it very well when you were a child.

open the door

when i see a friend request on my facebook, it feels like a guest is standing by the door - i open the door and let them in. i don't ask for their names. i don't ask if we've met before. i am not interested in their stories. i don't ask what city or country they come from. i don't ask what their religion or gender is. i know them through their heart and their deepest longing in their eyes. i know they have come here because they are being drawn to their own light. any meaningful hunger is the hunger for the ultimate self. hidden music in the heart. after all, everyone is trying his/her best to come home.

go inside of you

you might have spent a lot of money to attend a satsang or a spiritual gathering expecting to be enlightened. a good teacher however does not give a new information on how to survive very well. Actually there is no-thing she-he can give you. she-he looks at you and smiles and says, dear one, you see, you are already what you are searching for. what i say may not satisfy you. go inside of you and find it yourself.

in the face of chaos

the heart is like a flower - once it is crushed open, it gives off a fragrance that is so majestic that we forget our safety and start dancing in the face of a chaos.

whatever is arising

whatever is arising on the physical plane does not really matter. why give so much attention to your thought? You are more beautiful than you can ever imagine.

love does not compete

look into your inner being and breath. You know love does not compete. When you speak she listens. when you listen, she speaks. and when not driven by fear and worry, the world can be a sacred community.


There is nothing wrong with thinking. it is happening anyway. shifting from your thinking into the awareness of you thinking, observing when thought arises, however, can bring you back to the depth of the present moment, where you can handle even the most difficult situations with elegance and ease.

nature of light

this is the nature of light - when it feels your presence, it remembers itself. it feels oneness with you. it dances and expands and by expanding it tickles your heart and opens every part of you that has been locked and you smile. Your smile brings you to your natural state, turning doubt into infinity love.

lotus blooming in your chest

What does it mean to be a true friend? you asked. i responded, to be a lotus blooming in your chest. to be a deep glow in your sweet eyes - to be a hidden music in your lips and with a true friend you don't pick up a conversation from where you left the other day. You always forge a new one because every day is a first day of your life and a true friend is never afraid of being a beginner every day.

spontaneous flow of nature

you are already the energy that makes the earth orbit around the sun - you are the eyes through which the universe sees itself - whatever you add to yourself through learning interferes with the spontaneous flow of nature and hides your true essence.

your beauty

i don't measure your beauty by what you do for a living or how many diplomas you've earned but by how you fall and rise in the face of a challenge and never afraid to fall again and again.

birthplace of peace

if you're planning to go somewhere in search of peace and happiness, i say to you, cancel your flight and burn your ticket and look inside of your heart and stay there. that is the birthplace of peace and happiness. that is the head-quarter of truelove.

mechanism for survival

your desire to be someone other than you and to be somewhere other than where you are right now, is simply a mechanism for survival.

fully alive and awake

sometimes, life does not want to leave you to your own devices. and she shakes you up and down because she wants to be sure that you are fully alive and awake. when you are alive, you no longer live in fear and when you've no fear you can bloom.

biological urges

When you realize that you are not here to satisfy your biological urges but to glow like a full moon in the spring, life becomes a continuation of everyday miracle.

bitter and sweet

You suffer mainly because you are busy avoiding what you assume is bitter and running after what is sweet. Sometimes what tastes sweet can be poisonous and what is bitter can be transforming.

splashing shallow waters

for how long are you going to be interested in strewing dust and splashing shallow waters? the one that holds your hands and gently draws you to your own infinite depth is here. surrender to that now.

when you approach reality

when you approach reality by way of images, words, concepts and grammatical rules, life seems to you fuzzy, dry and insensible and instead of channeling miracle you depend on luck.

something in common

"we are here not because we've something in common but because we are actually roots and stems and trunks and branches for each other - we are one."

any openings possible

don't try to repair everything that is fractured and torn- Grace has been waiting for so long to pour herself into you through any openings possible.

infinite intelligence

Don’t try to convince your mind and anybody else’s mind that you are pure awareness, that you are the field of infinite intelligence from which everything arises and to which all things return. this is too much for the mind and it cannot handle this conversation.

how magnificent you are

because you’ve forgotten how magnificent you are, Because you’ve overlooked how powerful you are – you continue to play a victim role.

the universe laughing

What if you get up this morning and suddenly discover that every single particle in your body pulsates with a deep, radiant and delicious light and every sound you hear is the universe laughing?


Something to meditate on for today – If you feel agitated, unsatisfied, shaky and fearful --- it is simply because you have been good at arguing with the music of life.

between you and I

If there is any wall or distance between You and I , It is only a story the mind continues to itself. Don’t buy it. long before the birth of logic or reason we were here and my spirit and yours have mixed like mud and water, like fire and wood and it cannot be separated anymore.

true teacher

a true teacher is not the one who sells you something. It is the one who shows you how not to be afraid of being authentic to yourself, how to shine so brightly and fiercely.

Friday, March 4, 2016

the only courage

the only courage you need with all yourself is to stay open to whatever arises– the lions in the forest of your being will roar with joy and the entire universe can hear the music in your heart for it is everyone's music that has been hidden.

light in their eyes

if you want to connect with another human being on the most natural level, don’t focus on their conditioning or behavior. Focus on their deep longings, what can tickle their core and arouse their heart. Look at the light in their eyes when they are silent, not what they say or think.

to be God

There are moments when your heart opens and expands fiercely and becomes swollen with brilliant light and rainbows and infinite fragrance of gratitude -- completely drunk on the timeless honey of life, a holy fire of grace consumes you and you forget your name and your address and everything you’ve known and it becomes easier for you to be God than to serve god.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


it is not authentic lovemaking when two people join in sexual intercourse and still remain separate and lonely - it is rather when you look at the full moon in the dark night and recognize her as one of the luminous organs deep inside your body.

deeper self

Whatever you want to do today, ask your deeper self if this aligns with the music of the cosmos.

energy of life

You are not a puppet of life. you are the energy of life. you are life and life is abundant and spontaneous. it is self-caring and self-birthing and self organizing and she does not need a care-taker or a boss. on the deepest level, you are that too.

look inside

it does not make any difference if you are a veracious reader or a great traveler. you will not find yourself in the books or at the tourist centers. look inside yourself and be silent

everyone's music

the only courage you need with all yourself is to stay open to whatever arises– the lions in the forest of your being will roar with joy and the entire universe can hear the music in your heart for it is everyone's music that has been hidden.