Saturday, July 29, 2023

House of God

D You might forget this but your heart remembers it vividly There is no distinction between sunrise and sunflower – it is only way of speaking - there is no boundary between you and the sky - don’t always run away from hunger – it is hunger that makes God sweeter – I heard you say, my dear friend that love is the meeting of two people – did I hear correctly? Love is not the meeting of two people – love is the absence of distance between you and I Love is when you look at me and see yourself – It is the union of your heart with your mind and body your oneness with everyone – It is when you awaken to the light shining inside your breast – then you will find, everything, everything there - when you realize that nothing is missing. Then a lover’s breath becomes the aroma released by a hundred blossoms - and a lover’s body becomes the house of God, awakening happens only inside this body. it becomes the sky lit by ten thousand stars – and a trip to your heart does not take a thousand years – the heart becomes you and there is no urge to go anywhere - in the end, the body and mind don't even exist -- they turn into a guesthouse of eternity.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

unspoken wounds

This can happen - When you speak not from memories but from the orchard in your heart, words taste like wine wrapped in the sweetness of silence. Those who hear you Will be delivered from their worries - that is how love opens and heals most unspoken wounds.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023


Just for now put down your phone - your book – your to-do-list- your laptop - your mind – your beliefs - turn off your television – leave the roles you play - be completely alone – Observe all noises come and go – don’t even worry how the world is doing. Just be here. Here is not a location - It is the entry into the ground from which all grows - Be calm. calmness erases time and karma - calmness is not the absence of sound - it is the absence of you. It is the only way one can dissolve into this bliss where nothing lacks.

when you love

This is what can happen – When you bow to a human being passing by you– when you bow to an insect and birds and flowers on your way – you come closer to the center of your own heart – when you close your eyes you see more clearly – and when you love, when you really love, something in you opens and you start blossoming

honey of silence

Once the mind dips Itself in the honey of silence, it won’t be interested in jumping here and there.


Fame or status or ownership --- cannot satisfy you – even if the entire world bows down to you – even if the sky knows your name - the world is getting even noisier - so return to simplicity now. return to emptiness.