Friday, May 31, 2013

the only path available

The moment
you start to believe,
your belief is the only path available,
You're contributing to the
preservation of an egoic
and turbulent world.

what is not real

what is 
not real,

Your body listens

Your body listens and 
records whatever 
you think and say.
Instead of saying 
"I am sick" or "I am tired" or
"I cannot do it....."
Why don't you say,
I am celebration
I am the wizard that opens
the doors of laughter,
I am the blend of the sun and 
the moon and the sky ....
I am....
I am the morning glory,

the pulse of creative energy. 
Then you will be it.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

worth kissing

Like a farmer
Directing the river to his farm,
Direct all your energy and opportunities
Towards the kissing of the beloved.
Remember: -
This moment is worth kissing
in the mouth.

making poetry

Making poetry
Is building a house
Out of your heart's song.
This is a place of
unpredictably genuine
Intimacy for you
and your beloved alone.
Every time I see a tree
warmly cradled within the body
Of the earth,
Every time I watch the sun
Pouring herself into the water,
I know it is possible for anyone
not to t to be afraid of life,
Not to be afraid of light.
I know it is possible for
everyone to be the heart
Of the heart of the heart
Of the heart -----

Be a spring water

No matter
how long ago you've left
the house of love -
Please come back.
the door is still open
and you're the only one
who can close it.
Why spend hours
on the mistakes you've made
in the past?
Focus on your wholeness.
Be a spring water and flow
towards your voice.

laugh at his worries.

The one
who can sit
with the beloved
even for a minute,
can find the courage
to laugh at his

a broker

What you really need now
Is not a broker between you and
The beloved.
Nor time for adjustment.
What you need is a direct love-making, direct merging
And blending into the sun itself.

How many miles

It is not how
Far you’ve gone,
How many miles
Or kilometers you’ve traveled
that matters.
It is how willing you’re
To be here, right here.

Sound of teaching

Teaching is not limited to one location
Or a specific time. It is  everywhere
And every time.  The teacher is
Inside everyone and everything.
Once you lose your interest
in dreaming comfortably,
You will wake up and hear the voice of
teaching  with a distinct clarity.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

the heart does not divide

The heart
Does not divide.
It looks at all beings
As itself.
It has the natural capacity
To contain all things.
If you open your eyes
And see many instead of one,
Then you are not looking
With the eye of the heart.
This means there is a shadow
Inside you, a place where the sun
Has not kissed yet. Because the sun
Has not seen it yet, it has not
For the healing process to begin,
For forgiveness to begin,
We need more kind people
Than people that are logical
And scholarly
And this starts with you.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Because you're enough

The world is very demanding and harsh at times
and there are People who count the number
of years they lived
And worry so much because they think
they’ve Achieved nothing worthwhile.
What you need to remember is however
Life does not demand anything from you.
That fact that you’re here is enough.
Because you're enough.

your mission is accomplished

Your ultimate purpose
Here on earth is
Not to be a great orator or thinker but
To move deeper and connect
With your inner radiance. -
to listen and to love.
to listen with your body and mind and soul.
to love with your body and mind and soul.
And I assure you, there is nothing you miss
In this world or another and...

 your mission is accomplished.

speak of beauty

Speak of light
With no fear, my friend
Because light is not scary.
Light is who you are and
You are beautiful.
The one who is afraid of light
Is afraid of himself.
Speak of beauty
my friend.
Speak of the one
who steals
Your words and turns them
Into songs.
sing of the one
who breaks into your bedroom
and wakes you up from your

stay close to the truth

You are
Not running for office.
Stay very close to the truth.
What comes from the origin
Is original.
Spill what is in the heart’s cup.
Abandon your defense mechanism
You’ve learned. Love does not
Defend herself. Nothing can break her.
Don’t listen to fear.
It drives you to a place where people stand
In line to buy guns.
Look at your eyes,
you're a power-house
of abundance.

rain is pouring

Rain is pouring!
How it brings
So much grace
Into falling!
It is not something he can stop doing
And he chants while pouring.
Some day when we grow up
We will flow like water
Inside and outside the ground, down the hills,
between and around rocks
We won’t be afraid of changing into ice
And then back to water or vapor.
We won’t question life’s purpose.
It will be easy for us
To surrender into the sea.
Someone who has grown up
can easily remember who he/she is
And this remembrance can transform
Doubts into sweet acceptance.


in my neighborhood
A tree half- broke from the root
 lies across the scar of the ground.
She became a bridge for everyone
To Cross from the known world
To the unknown …..
When you find  yourself
Inside the space where
all segments join –
deep understanding begins
and judgment ends.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

sense of deficiency

The ego pushes you
Either to be against or
In favor of because
It has no courage to stand
In the center on its own.
Out of total fear and sense
of deficiency
It either wants you to follow
or to be followed
And it does not know
 there is space
 where you can be
Truly yourself.


Saturday, May 11, 2013

great poetry

Reading a great poetry
Or listening to sublime songs
Bring us to a place
Where thinking is no longer
They open so much
space within us
And nourish the soul
and heal sores.
That is how we know
They come from pure


Does a sky  feel bad
Because you did not
give him attention?
Does a flower care
Whether you smell her
Or not?
Does not need
It Is realized within you,
A constant cry for acceptance
Or approval will fall away.

until things make sense

Don't wait
until things make sense to you.
You're beyond all the senses.
The world is not able to contain
the light inside of you.
Look at how a turbine
moves in the wind, how lovers
melt into each other and
touch the center of oneness
the moment they let go off
their past echo.

love has chosen you

are here because
Has chosen you
As her true companion -
whether you've already noticed
or not, you inhale love
and exhale love.
The winds whisper of love.
the water you drink and bath
is a liquid love.
The ground you walk on
sings of love.
birds scatter the perfume of
love wherever they are.
The sky pours love
day and night.
This place my friend,
is not where you spend time.
It is where time never exists.

are here because
Has chosen you
As Her true companion -
Be kind and sensitive.
Be love.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

heart of the lover

I praise
The ears that work together
To turn noise into a sweet song
And the eyes that are filled with nothing
 but clear Seeing.
Last night
I saw a number of clouds chasing the moon.
They  joined and came down
 as  fresh presence  pouring
 from the heart of the lover.

your ears

Spring and summer
Came to Minneapolis
Holding hands --
And the streets are busy again.
Everywhere you turn there
Are voices --
He said, I said, they said, she said ….
Dear friend,
Everyone has stories to tell.
Turn your ears inwards and listen
To what your heart is saying.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

you're the freedom itself.

A man thinks he owns a dog.
The dog does not understand that part
And it continues to be his great companion.
That is a real thing.
If you want to be free
Don’t own anyone nor
Allow anyone to own you.
Have you ever met a person
 who owns the moon or
A morning breeze?
True love does not contradict
With itself.
Let these words be
your everyday declaration
to yourself: -
You are not just a freedom-lover.
you're the freedom itself.
You're total.
You're all and everything.
You're inside all beings and everything.

even a little forgetting

A little forgetting
Can make you stagger and whiny.
When forgetting takes you over completely,
It pinches hard because life
Wants you to wake up, leave everything
unreal and come home.
This is where it is possible
To see things the way they are,
Not as they appear.
It is a place where
Your concerns and doubts
Prove themselves to be untrue
Because they are only mind-body


Monday, May 6, 2013

false identity

All you need  at this point
is   a little curiosity and kindness
to be with yourself, to be still
even for ten minutes a day: -
Trees are flowering and
The robin is singing and
the sweet scent of the sky
is opening a thousand hearts
You’ve chosen to be beautiful.
you've taken a few steps
towards the deconstruction
of a false identity, the ego.

Friday, May 3, 2013

The world you've not seen before

Being is always free
and someone who has tasted the honey of freedom
does not want to stay a caterpillar
because there is a greater possibility be a butterfly.
You know this world is very beautiful but my friend,
don't settle for it. Relinquish your fear
and Dive into the world you have not
seen before.

too beautiful to hide.

No matter
How forgetful
You might be at times
Or how worried you look
On the surface -
Deep inside,
The fabric
you're woven from
is too radiant to fake
and too beautiful
to hide.

the meeting

It is very normal
For friends and even lovers
To meet and part and meet again
And then part. 
This is because the meeting
is happening in dream -
a field that does not know itself
as perfection or wholeness.


Resistance is another name
For unrecognized fear. 
Once you elect to barter 
Resistance with fluidity, you will find
The journey to homeland
Sweet like morning breeze.
You don’t even need to
Make any further trip to anywhere
Because Laughter can easily find you
Where you already are.

acute hunger

Everywhere we look 
Someone is busy explaining things
to someone else.
So much words and effort go
into the conversation.
There is no space left in between.
It seems there is an acute hunger
Just to say something.
The truth is -
What is true
Does not require any clarification
because it is simple and 
Direct and original
Most of all the heart knows
it already.

if you want stability

Don’t pay so much attention
to the forms you see, 
including your own form. 
attempting to find happiness
Through the Vogue magazine
Separates you from aliveness. 
Forms are not real because
they keep changing and 
What you see today won’t be the same
10 years from now. 
If you want stability,
See beyond the form and
Recognize the one 
that is Changeless.

your prayers

Let your prayers
Direct you to a place
Where you can be grateful for what you are
Instead of asking for what you are not,

Life’s purpose

you love yourself
sincerely and truly
And live fully without
Self-accusation or guilt,
 Life's purpose is met

How many suns are on the sky

Majority and minorities –
Black and white –
Racism - classes
We still hear these words
And believe in them. – 
Let’s say – 
there are 6 billion people
Here on earth. – 
How many eyes are open?
How many suns are on the sky?
Are there any moons?
How many ears can hear music?
How many hearts and minds
Can  dance to the
Dance of oneness?
Don’t count my friend.
That is not the point of this poem.
We’re walking and knocking over
Myriad of wounded and cleft wings 
Insulating the ground and waiting
For us to wake up to love.

The moon is listening

When you wish for something,
You are indicating;
there is shortage.
When you say to someone,
My goodness!
You are incredibly amazing!
You are reassuring the world
your radiance.
The moon is listening
And she is ready to rise 
for the millionth time
On your face,