Saturday, July 29, 2023

House of God

D You might forget this but your heart remembers it vividly There is no distinction between sunrise and sunflower – it is only way of speaking - there is no boundary between you and the sky - don’t always run away from hunger – it is hunger that makes God sweeter – I heard you say, my dear friend that love is the meeting of two people – did I hear correctly? Love is not the meeting of two people – love is the absence of distance between you and I Love is when you look at me and see yourself – It is the union of your heart with your mind and body your oneness with everyone – It is when you awaken to the light shining inside your breast – then you will find, everything, everything there - when you realize that nothing is missing. Then a lover’s breath becomes the aroma released by a hundred blossoms - and a lover’s body becomes the house of God, awakening happens only inside this body. it becomes the sky lit by ten thousand stars – and a trip to your heart does not take a thousand years – the heart becomes you and there is no urge to go anywhere - in the end, the body and mind don't even exist -- they turn into a guesthouse of eternity.

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