Saturday, December 31, 2016

old consciousness

Leave your old consciousness and enter the door of the new year. be open and empty like a child. allow life to be the circle of endless miracle. the new year is the awakening bell deep within you.

socially unacceptable

when you accept what is socially and psychologically as well as mentally unacceptable, your suffering comes to an end and your life transforms without a limit.

a truly awakened being

a truly awakened being does not walk around with any labels any more. she/her does not identify with a place, political views or belief system. She/he is the white fire burning in our heart, the pulse of the universe, the alchemy that turns clouds into a sweet rainfall.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

the path to love

There is no path to love. why you keep looking for it? Even when you think you’ve found it it cannot take you there because It lacks freshness and originality and it cannot hold your pure innocence, the intensity of the fire blazing inside your chest. move in the jungle of not knowing and you will eventually realize that the willingness to love itself is the path. The courage to fall into your own heart is a divine path.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

like a dough

In the face of a true love darkness becomes your bonfire, Sorrow becomes your daybreak. it holds you tenderly and squeezes you like a dough and mixes you with everything that is humanly impossible until the world of duality crumbles and only one dance remains.

the miracle

The miracle is not hoping to see light at the end of the tunnel. The miracle is to turn your eyes inwards and see the light blazing inside your chest, in the heart of your heart and in the soul of your soul.

Monday, December 26, 2016

The most beautiful book

The most beautiful book you can ever read is the one that has no words inside the pages – the very moment you open it, the perfume of deep silence intoxicates you like a holy wine, leaving you utterly speechless.

the idea of awakening.

If you’re an awakened human being and if you think you’re responsible for your awakening, if you think you’ve made it happen because you’re special, you are not awakened yet. You are only playing with the idea of awakening. whatever arises within you, You don’t initiate it. You don’t make it happen. It happens on its own. It is the universe reciting divine poetry within you.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

whatever you are doing

be with whatever you are doing. when food is in your mouth, don’t chew on your thoughts. pay a full homage to the food. this is one way of dissolving into the fragrance of life

turmoil and anarchy

embrace turmoil and anarchy in your life. Don’t be afraid of brokenness until you cannot break anymore. when the world you already know disintegrates, a new blossom emerges out of pure nothingness, a new echo of existence that speaks to you with a particular freshness and intimacy.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

false identity

Appearance is a false identity. only in the streets, people pretend to be solid like statues. Once they're moved, once they're tickled, once they're turned on, they become water and start flowing. they start singing like a flute. their eyes start twinkling like that of a child. they start melting like snow. the truth is, when we're awake we return to our authentic nature.

Monday, December 19, 2016


maturity is not about age. It is not so much learning either – it is the willingness to stop looking for happiness outside of you - the courage to be comfortable with yourself.

honoring yourself

Loving and honoring yourself begins when when see yourself as an infinite ground of sanity, a field of endless intelligence - not as a person burdened with continuous needs and demands.

are you available?

You’re a magical being, an alchemist and through you life wants to perform miracles, she wants to give herself without limitation. she wants to sing and dance – through you she wants to radiate like bonfire in the dark cave. She wants to use you in the most subtle ways that can heal and transform the world – are you open to her invitation? are you fearless enough? are you ready for her? are you available?

Friday, December 16, 2016

trying to explain

trying to explain and describe the nature of love can interrupt the direct flow of love into your heart. What is real And deep cannot be explained with thought. It can only be drunk in and experienced and felt directly.

light in your body

the physical body you've now is a gift from your parents. respect and honor it without being attached to it and every time you look in the mirror, remember that your parents are still with you even when it looks on the surface they're away. remember also more often that the light in your body is a divine gift from beyond. It is timeless and unlimited. That is your true essence.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Once You’re aware

Once You’re aware, Once You’re awake, Once you’re ripped open, you’ve no fear. you’re penetrable and accessible and exposed from any direction and at any time.

If you’re moved to create

If you’re moved to create, let it be from the field of abundance, the field within you that continues to pulsate with love and generosity not from a place of need and lack, a place that wants recognition and fame. then everything you create, you are co-creating it with the universe.

Apple meditation

APPLE MEDITATION Before you rush to devour your apple – hold it in your soft palm - be tender to the fruit as if you’re holding the planet earth – feel the apple with all of your body. Feel its contours and shiny and smooth skin, feel its folds and ruffles, its ups and downs, its laughter feel its glory and its readiness to merge with your body. look at it again as if looking into the beloved’s eyes – touch it as if touching the warm hands of a friend. feel it passionately. make love to it. smell it with all of your body. Slowly put it in your mouth. examine it with your lips and tongue and with every part of you. ask yourself if you are ready to bite it. wait for seconds. when the urge arises bite into it gently. Pause. taste its flavor kindly and drink the juice and chew the essence very passionately. Deeply join with the fruit without wanting to go anywhere. as it goes down your body, be grateful for this, for the fruit that gave itself to you and for the earth and soil light and water and air that gave birth to it - kiss its presence with all of your organs.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

the secret

THE SECRET “What is the secret of your happiness? I can tell that from your writings” Someone said to me this afternoon. It is simple and yet a profound question because happiness is after all what we all desire with every single atom in our being – so my answer is – I don’t take myself seriously, like the sky, I bless whatever comes and goes and I don’t try hard for trying hard is futile and can drain your energy - and simplicity is my language.

the idea of waking up.

Don’t flirt with the idea of waking up. Just wake up and no need to go to the market - there is a healer inside you – there is summer and spring and fall and winter inside you – there is music and light and drunkenness inside you. the master and the alchemist are waiting inside you. wake up and see with your own eyes - you cannot resist this miracle.

nectar of paradise

You’ve immense strength to live fully now. why do you expect the next moment to bring you some kind of fulfillment? Why do you wait so long to be happy? Right here, in front of you, there is a sacred bowl filled with a nectar of paradise that is ready to overflow – Take some action. pick up a spoon and dip it inside. your fingers work well too.

Monday, December 12, 2016

night and day

there is a night that sparks with great darkness, a night that opens and closes around us like wings and there is day that holds a thousand days inside its silence. but the day and night I speak of intimately are the ones that glow from within my ribs, days and nights that curl inside themselves and labor with new births.

gathering of true lovers

each day we long to come to this gathering of true lovers not because we want to add something new to each other nor to share information but to embrace and raise to the sun, the part of us that we're most afraid of, to bless the region inside us that we want to cover with stories.


You cannot be truly free as long as there is something unaccepted in your life.

like water

when words are allowed to come from your depth, not from your head, they are like water - their tenderness penetrates the crust of the earth and touch her holy womb

falling into your heart

even falling is a courage, falling into your heart. you're falling into your innocence

Who you are

Who you are on the quantum level is so organic and vast and so elegant that it cannot be messed up by any outside events

you are the universe

you don’t have to go far if you want to know the nature of the universe very closely, sit with yourself and listen and watch. watch what is going on inside and outside – listen what is going on inside and outside – you will realize that you are the universe itself – your longing is the longing of the universe. Your dance is the dance of the universe. Your laughter is the laughter of the universe --- You see dear friend? the universe is exploring itself through you. the universe looks at itself through your divine eyes.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

amidst great madness

amidst great madness, you are the birth center of peace.

be porous

be porous. let the whole universe flow through you.

true meditation

When You finally gaze inside and recognize a stable ground within you where you can truly rest, you will find the courage to stay open to whatever arises without judgment or criticism and allow whatever comes and goes. That is a true meditation.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Openness is the capacity for deep listening where everything is allowed to be your teacher.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

spiritual adventure

Every time you find the strength to let go, every time you surrender, that is a spiritual adventure.

In the west

In the west they don’t ask you if you’re happy or not - they don’t ask you if you’re content or not - they don’t ask you If you’re peaceful or not – They don’t ask you how often do you laugh or sing? because that is not a priority. the priority is what do you do for a living? how much money do you make? How much have you produced? how many degrees do you’ve? what kind of car do you drive? ----

deep forest

meeting with a woman is like entering a deep forest. whether she knows or not, her heart throbs with the silence of the universe while her soul pulsates with the music of the entire cosmos.

diving into deep oceans

Upon diving into deep oceans, or climbing high mountains – the ego writes a book or takes photos for defeating nature – the mystic bows down to each of them and asks their forgiveness for annoying their peace-

deep listening

Openness is the capacity for deep listening where everything and everyone is allowed to be your teacher.

Monday, December 5, 2016

the slightest obstacle

As long as you have not recognized the eternal, a true potential deep within you, you think you are small and limited and perishable and even the slightest obstacle in your life might seem larger than the sky.

beyond words and thoughts

They ask me who I am – silence overtakes and I become still. this is the infinite generosity I can share with you - this silence. What I am in truth is beyond words and thoughts.

maps and boundaries

The same ego that has created maps and boundaries has also built hierarchies between humans so that we cannot meet directly and innocently and our interactions are so superficial that they cannot move beyond our daily needs and survival strategies.

releasing your past

this can be one of the greatest paradoxes of life – if your childhood was messy, it can only be cleaned up by loving more and more, by throwing yourself into a warm torrent of love and forgiveness – by being fully present and alive and staying close to what can sustain us - by releasing your past with all of your strength –

Saturday, December 3, 2016

how much you worry

It does not matter how much you worry - It does no to change a single drop of what is going to happen or what has already happened in the past.


When you see someone being unkind to you remember that the person is not unkind. It is simply that she/he is feeling powerless at that time, so powerless that she/he was not able to recognize the ocean of kindness deep inside of her/him.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

return of the sacred

You are not here to change world population data. You are here because it is the way the universe promotes the return of the sacred through you.

pure gift

The very moment you recognize the fountain of love wafting and surging within you, you are being a pure gift. you're elevating so many who have forgotten to open their beautiful eyes - you are opening up like a flower in spring and giving your whole self to the world around you.

living fearlessly

Don’t be afraid of living fearlessly and dangerously. that is the only way you can move beyond the mere husk of existence and dive into the nectar of life.

cyclone of love

like a tree - live your own life - stay open to whatever emerges. let the light around you enter your soul. Let the cyclone of love whip through your entire being.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

a great divorce

It is a great divorce when you start believing that God is someone or something outside of you. medicine for all maladies is within you and it comes with no side effects – an answer to all of your questions is within you. a solution to all of your problems is within you. Just remember to open your eyes and gently gaze inside as a daily spiritual practice.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

what has been lost

It is not finding what has been lost but discovering what is already here that can take away your deep rust and polish you.

hardest thing to do

I know dear one, you feel truly worn-out and dismayed and turned off – this running away from the house of love, this rejecting life’s invitation to laugh --- this hiding from the direct sunlight -- is the hardest thing to do.


Have you noticed how some people become terrified by the sight of spiders? Some other people are scared to death when they see a frog or snake around them. Are you one of them my dear friend? What if some day you realize that you’re being scared of the intelligence deep within you? What if we are the branches and stems and the leaves and the roots of the same tree?

the deep music

Knowing Who you are is a real deal, the deep music. the rest is a time spent on negotiation.

Monday, November 28, 2016


Be patient with your path on self-inquiry - awakening is not a shortcut process – it is lifting one sweet leg at a time – breathing one deep breath at a time - and moving deeper and cleaning the clutter inside and burning one layer at a time until you can see your natural light beaming through everything.

Authentic Illumination

Authentic Illumination happens when you see the sun inside your own eyes – when you smell a rose inside your own heart – when you see the moon rising inside your ribs.

Stop pretending

Stop pretending that everything is going well. Admit that from deep inside there is something you are struggling with. Allow the divine to intervene. let the inner intelligence guide your way.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The ultimate remedy

The ultimate remedy to all discords and misunderstandings and conflicts- --- is knowing that we are one brilliant light together. that is the most spacious and unexplainable meaning of our intimacy.

some tenderness

Show yourself an some tenderness and know that you are nor the beginning nor the end, you are the black hole in the milky way, the ultimate reality, the eternal truth.

a regular whiner

are you a regular whiner? watch if the whining in you has become a pattern and happens more often. it takes a lot of energy the same way fire needs wood to burn. but when you are grateful for whatever happens, it restores energy and aliveness. it becomes natural and effortless because you merge with the source of life, the eternity. you are fully connected to the inner abundance and nourishment.

the image in our mind

a relationship with another human being suffers most of the times because when we meet with each other we're actually meeting with the image in our mind, the idea and expectations we've about that person in our mind and not the real and authentic person

dig the ground

The world can only tell you to get out there and dig the ground for gold. No body can tell You, you are gold because you have to look inside and discover it for yourself.

waiting for something better

Isn’t waiting for something better all your life an eternal punishment while this moment itself is a vast ocean throbbing and palpating with everything that is necessary for life?

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

your courage

When your courage to be yourself is real, you encourage and inspire a bud to break open and blossom.

happily ever after

“happily ever after” – can happen only in fairly tales or fiction books – happiness is accessed in this moment only, not a future plan and your own heart is the entry door.

Identity crisis

Identity crisis happens only when you cling to a false identity -

resisting what is

One of the reasons you continue to struggle is that you are resisting what is - because you want to be safe and you are trying to know too much. You are trying to reduce the unknown into a known entity, into description, into words and phrases.

your past memories

Dropping your luggage filled with your past memories means cleaning your house from mold and entering the state of great confidence.

dance of gratitude

Let the dance of gratitude give birth to your ever expanding heart. This walk towards your own smile is an infinite lovemaking, It is an endless orgasm. You’re vast my friend. You are timeless and no geographic location can hold you. the unknown can send anything your way - open your arms and embrace them. embrace them as if you have been waiting for them. Love can turn every mundane experience into a divine intoxication

your basic sanity

When you doubt your basic sanity and your infinite goodness, your natural light can dim and your dance with life can be awkward.

black hole in the milky way

Show yourself an Infinite tenderness and know that you are nor the beginning nor the end, you are the black hole in the milky way, you are the ultimate reality, the eternal truth.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

on racism

with a current political atmosphere in the country and may be its ripple effect across the globe, a number of friends reached out to me to ask my insight on racism - racism in any form or flavor is a primitive part of human psyche that has been rejected, the part that is starving for love and light and continuously screaming for medicine. it is a delusional state of mind that cannot see a single point where we all are intimately and inseparably joined.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

your ability to smile

Courage is not defeating another human being - It is being brave, patient and forgiving in the face of unkindness – it is your ability to smile when the mind tells you it is the end of the world - It is being a cool water in the desert and a glass of clear moonlight for the ones wrapped in the blanket of confusion –

On the path

On the path of your awakening, it is possible you can encounter resistance from every corner – because the process of awakening is a very scary thing for the world that is in love with its own misery.

to be truly happy

You said you want to be truly yourself? You said you want to start life from the beginning? you said you want to be truly happy? then become empty. become empty from your worries and fears. become empty from your judgment. becomes empty from any expectations and desires and even from your hope. Let everything that comes your way cleanse you. the universe itself came out of emptiness and you are not separable from the universe.

fearlessly tender

there is no skin covering a true lover She/he is wide open like summer sky, stripped bare, exposed, receptive, fearlessly tender and raw. that is why It is possible to allow, to be flooded with love at anytime and situation - that is why you’re left speechless in the face of beauty. that is why you still can dance and sing when you don’t know where to go and what to do.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

true love

true love does not want anything at all and when you touch it deep within you with all of yourself, you too don’t want anything. you realize deeply that what you are is the signature of abundance itself.

Sweeter than honey

Happiness Is not just the outcome of a positive thinking happiness is not an outcome. It is state of being. You need to have a robust confidence in your true nature – you need to be courageous, to be firmly established in the blazing glow of your higher self – your readiness to open to your own fluid spontaneity – the deep mystery within, you have to know yourself without being shy – you will realize that you are sweeter than honey -

Monday, November 14, 2016

concept of race

There is something I’ve experienced with all of by being that shines brighter than the concept of race, nationality, gender, religion, politics, custom and culture – that is your original essence, your true self in the face of which mountains want to bow and the moons want to blush and the earth wants to dance the dance of ecstasy.

remove the wall

We practice spirituality not to achieve something special but to remove the wall that prevents us from experiencing ourselves as we truly are so that we can be fully available to ourselves, to our families, our neighbors and the world around us.

two choices to make

When hard time strikes we’ve two choices to make – to be broken into little fragments and disappear like dust or to be broken wide open and rise like ten thousand suns.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

your intrinsic nature

your intrinsic nature, your fundamental goodness, your sanity cannot be produced through hard work. It is already there hidden behind your self-image, your false identity – behind all that you’ve been gathering for survival and it can only be experienced and realized and touched when you’re ready to drop all all of them without fear or worry and stand naked in the face of this great silence.

the only reality

love is the only reality that has a capacity to hold us together. Everything else is noise.

the arrow of a mystic

the arrow of a mystic does not point to one direction. it points everywhere, shining on everyone and everything. it is made from galaxies and moons and triple rainbows.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

you can be confused

you can be angry - you can be in shock - you can be frustrated - you can feel helpless – you can be confused and depressed – -- but the wizard within remains unaffected.

sacred container

giving or receiving can be an innocent act when you don’t think about it. That way you can easily drop the concept of being a “giver” or a “receiver” until only “Being” remains. the way the moon offers herself to the dark night the way the ground opens to receive pure tenderness of the rain – when this happens, your body becomes a sacred container wrapping itself around a white fire of life.

symphony of life

The willingness to see everything exactly the way it is, without wanting it to be different requires a tremendous strength, the strength to merge with the symphony of life, to love with all of your being.

unanswered questions

by letting go of your expectations and accepting the reality of this moment, you can heal this divided and wounded country. deep healing requires your willingness to learn how to live with your unanswered questions.

Monday, November 7, 2016


by abandoning your self-image, you can allow a radical transformation to start happening within you. -

the way of love

The way of love can be a riddle as well as a great paradox. you need have the courage to lose yourself inside love in order to find yourself again – and you have to be totally empty to dissolve into the divine fullness that you are -

Friday, November 4, 2016

karmic debt

You are not here to worry about how to pay and repay your karmic debt. It is enough to know yourself.

greatest challenge

the greatest challenge of humanity is to accept yourself as your are without a mental censorship. when you do this, you’re brave and every little thing you do becomes a dance and sacred incantation.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

I am ready

Make a commitment today and say these words loud after me – I am ready to be a true friend of my heart – I am ready to stop self-judging and others – I am ready to let go Of any attachment - I am ready to be free from suffering and pain – I am ready to experience joy directly – I am ready to be drunk with the wine of life every day and night -


When you draw a circle around you, be sure to make it larger so that it can include everything and everyone as part of your expanding life. Remember that love does not leave anything out.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

let go of letting go

it is not leaning on something or someone that makes us powerful, it is dropping. Total dropping. Letting go of anything that you think you cannot live without – and then let go of letting go itself – that is unlimited freedom.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

It is not a mistake

It is not a mistake to forget who you are – there is no one to judge or blame here – you’ done your best to be good. maybe you’ve been raised by someone Who forgot who they are – Remember when you were a child – remember that aliveness, that wildness, that freshness, that innocence shining from your eyes - that fire burning in your heart – I assure you none of these are lost nor destroyed. they are only hidden and may be covered by stories. It is never late to wake up to your true nature and see your infinite vastness, your limitless possibilities. so that you too can wholeheartedly participate in the planetary awakening process.

Monday, October 31, 2016

more starving

If you are not satisfied with yourself, you are not going to be satisfied with another human being – this happens when you live in a society that stimulates you to eat the food that neither nourishes your soul nor opens your heart – instead it makes you even more starving and you are always wanting something

waxing and waning of the moon

Mountains teach us to encounter difficulties and inner tornadoes with serenity and patience - with unshakable strength and trust they watch the cloud spread around them - they simply notice the changing of seasons and the rising and setting of the sun - the waxing and waning of the moon - - gaze inside and imagine there is a mountain sitting within you.

short supply

don’t be afraid – move fiercely inside – whatever comes from the outer world is in short supply.

Love does not compare

Love does not compare or compete. It has no commentaries or judgments. It is fire, a living flame- and when you get closer, it burns everything that is not real.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

emblem of generosity

your higher self is the emblem of endless generosity – it is the logo of a brilliant light. remember this every day and let everything you do and say echo this grace – let your heart become the vast ocean of love.

dropping an attachment

The idea of dropping an attachment can seem the most difficult task to do for the mind – it means dropping something that generates temporary happiness and fulfillment and yet when you notice that you are clinging to something or someone, when you become aware that you are addicted to something, It shows that your basic nature is free. There is awareness that sees the attachment – there is light beginning to emerge -

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Who are you?

Since the time I cannot remember, you’ve been pretending to be in deep sleep – I know that your true essence is fiercely awake and alive – I am sure of this - you are not even close to what you think you are. You walk with the same feet Jesus walked. you see with the same eyes the Buddha saw – Who are you for heaven’s sake? Who are you?

deep knowing

When you know things, You become knowledgeable. when you know yourself You become deep knowing itself and light pours into everything you do. The light deep within you awakens and ignites itself and everything and everyone around you can feel the eternal warmth.

All your woes

All your woes and miseries come from looking outside for happiness – when you show a little willingness to go inside and taste your own elegance, they will scatter like frightened cockroaches because they were not real in the first place.

emptying yourself

the art of emptying yourself on a regular basis – at least once a day, drop everything you think you know – give up everything that you’ve heard and seen – move beyond your idea of right and wrong – I am sure of this - something sweet and liberating will come out of this.

Knowing yourself intellectually

Knowing yourself intellectually or mentally cannot rescue you from suffering. How content and peaceful are you in this life? How intimate is your relationship with your own heart-center? look inside and be still until there is no inside or outside.

when was the last time

when was the last time you felt complete and whole? bring your energy to this feeling again and again and again until this becomes your true nature.

your inner eyes

Let your inner eyes open and see the beauty of life. I wish you could See your capacity to rise like ten thousand suns – a single lane branches out into million paths so that instead of walking behind each other, we walk together.

whenever kindness takes over

whenever kindness takes over, whenever love takes over, I’ve no doubt. everything you do delights God and prison walls everywhere will come down. Chicks break out of the shells and fly away into the unknown.

A true teacher

A true teacher is not the one who tries hard to convince you that his teachings are more important than other’s teachings. A true teacher is the one who takes you to a place where your inner world meets your outer world. That is where one can experience balance, wisdom and companion. That is where you can shine with every single particle in your body.

You’re not a warehouse

You’re not a warehouse. stop accumulating things. leave all attachments and identifications. You’ll know what freedom is.


Only by being still and moving horizontally deeper, you can touch the root inside of you where all things are connected and interconnected. That brings the end of separation.

a message

Do you remember dear friend, when you were sent out to this world you were supposed to deliver a message? Have you delivered it yet? If you have not, may be it is because you have been destructed by the noise around you or maybe you’ve been just busy trying to survive – the good news is that it is not too late to participate in this music life is playing. If you don’t remember what message to deliver, you cannot find the answer from books or your parents. Go deep inside and listen to the innermost music. It is there.

for a minute

Open your hands for a minute and let your worries dissipate like cloud. I assure you, you are better off without it.

the only true courage

The only true courage is the courage to be who you are on the deepest level, the courage to stop adding something to your mental image in order to be someone important - and by being so, you’re encouraging everyone around you to be who they are - the courage to be fiercely alive and truly human.

for how long?

for how long will you wait to love and accept yourself with all of your faults and imperfections?

Every lip movement

Every lip movement is a desire for something and every speech is a hunger for the holy bread you already are. Be still and listen. your whole body is pulsating with divine music.

Polish all that does not shine.

Oh beloved! this being Human! Polish all that does not shine. remove all that is not true

the physical world

Are you someone who pays so much attention to the physical world or spend some time on a regular basis working on the depth and quality of your inner sanctuary? Remember that your true strength is not the need to control the way things go. True strength is actually your readiness to be free from the urge to control

the eyes of the world

When are you going to stop looking at yourself with the eyes of the world? It is now time to be tender to yourself and honor your sanity. your divine nature, your wholeness is not negotiable.

only one thing

There is one thing and only one things truly worth repeating --- that is to love again and again and again until love becomes the house you live in.

tension in your body

Tension in your body means energy flow is blocked because you are not available to your body - it means you are trying to stop something from happening. You’re trying to fix a vow broken by someone. You’re under pressure to meet a deadline – instead of allowing, you’re fighting. You’re being pulled in an opposite direction. You are not aligned with the dance of existence. You are here but you want to be there

direct entry

until you approach life as a miraculous expression of a divine love and gain a direct entry into your heart – it does not matter how much material wealth you accumulate, you cannot find true happiness."

our Capacity to love

our Capacity to love comes from your willingness to be one with all That is.

like a road

Be like a road that takes passengers to their destinations but does not end anywhere and there is no place to reach. you don’t have a destination. you are a gypsy, an endless circle, a continuous flow of life - Please don't end this journey you've not started it.

your ancient strength

Knowing that nothing is lacking – and everything deep inside is in a perfect state of self-coordination, self-organizing and self-healing ---- is your primordial and ancient strength.

the human part of us

The human part of us wants to be seen – it hungers to be heard, it wants to be felt – it wants to be approached and held with great intimacy - as divine beings we know what we are the ones who see, we are the ones who hear, we are the ones who feel the very mystery residing deep inside of us and everywhere else. that is a great freedom


I am very grateful for what has happened and for what has not, for what has come and for what has left – Yes, I swim in the sea of gratitude for all of these bring me to a place of new beginning.

whatever shows up

we’ve the capacity to work with whatever shows up. Don’t judge yourself nor be ashamed for being Jealous or angry – don’t feel guilty for being panic stricken – It is still alright to be swamped by grief or even depression – these are the part of you starving to be hugged and embraced. They are not evil. They are your visitors and if you show then love and compassion, they will not come time and again to bother you. Remember that you are the vast and shoreless sea and they are ripples on your face. they are tides in your infinite and embracing eyes.

divine embrace

everything that has ever happened in your life has made you mature – it has smoothed you - it has encouraged you to come here where life holds you in her divine embrace - here, you’re never ashamed of being yourself and you never doubt the music of grace erupting from your magnificence

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Spirit and form

your body is a bundle of consciousness a garden afire with God, it is the extension of the Universe – entry into Heaven itself- a balanced and quality life is the one that moves between spirit and form.

nature’s intelligence

f you’ve noticed closely, nature’s intelligence is spontaneous and effortless. The Moon does not rehearse to smile. She simply smiles. Trees don’t work hard to flower. They don’t plan to flower. A rose simply blooms. She does not think about it. Birds don’t get any training to fly. They just fly. This is because nature’s energy is woven together by the divine force of love. When you merge with the energy of nature, creativity and abundance becomes your nature, and it is effortless.

become free

a fundamental question you can ask yourself is not why terrible things can happen to you or anyone else. it is whether you choose to live with them or release them and become free.

song of great stillness

In the civilization that cannot stop talking – be willing to be a tender soil out of which the song of great stillness emerges -

direct path

When an intense feeling arises inside you, this can be fear or deep sadness, don’t lose touch with it. don’t try to hide it or run away from it. Instead undress yourself and approach them the way lovers approach each other. hug and kiss them. they're great blessings and can be a direct path to your awakening.

empty tube

Do you ever feel that life is hard? do you become frustrated with the way things go? Do you feel exhausted and burnt out early in the morning even before the day begins? If so it is just because whatever it is you are doing, you think you are the doer. You think you are in charge and you are very serious about it and you think you are responsible. The truth is that you are not the doer of what you are doing. The supreme intelligence is doing things through you. Your job here is simply to allow it, to be a spaciousness, an empty tube through which days and nights pass. your task is to be the field on which the seeds of generosity are planted.

inside everyone's eyes

How can we be grateful enough to the mystery that opened our eyes so that we can see God smiling inside everyone’s eyes!

your dancing heart

It is infinite drunkenness of nature when bees turn flowers into a wild honey - when you weave love out of your dancing heart, when you turn your doubt into celebration, that is a miracle. tell me, what is not possible for a true lover?

why wait

Why wait until the sun or the moon rise on the sky? look within. On the sky of your own heart there is pure and concentrated light. there is a divine Illumination inside every single particle of your being. Remember to turn it on daily.

truly human

in most cultures it is considered unethical, inappropriate and shameful to express and fully experience your feelings such as anger, joy sadness, fear ---- what is actually shameful is rejecting and avoiding them. the truth is when we embrace our feelings and forge true friendship with them, when we don’t hide or run away from them, when we don’t try to get rid of what is unpleasant and when we are not attached to what is pleasant, we maintain our sanity, we touch our true nature and become truly human.

searching for love

This whole thing is ridiculous - spending an enormous amount of energy searching for love - Isn’t every single fiber in your being spun from the energy of love? Don’t you hear the music of love flowing inside your whole body like the Nile? The good news is that you are always forgiven for looking for what has never been missing and for forgetting that life itself is an endless love-song and discoveries -

spilling water in the sand

why try to make the ego happy? You’re spilling water in the sand. the ego does not Know what happiness is because it has never experienced one and it continue to want more and to me demanding and actually its chief purpose on earth is interfere with your happiness, to stop the music of life.

Say Yes

Say yes to the seasons coming and going – welcome the autumn, the winter, the spring and the summer moving through your body. embrace all of them with the same energy. The force of the living universe wants to articulate within you... Your acceptance transcends all things.

path to wholeness

the path to wholeness is simply your readiness to dissolve into your true nature because your true nature is the emblem of wholeness itself and reality begins to live your life in all its daily-nightly expressions where life becomes truly a continuous adventure.

what you say does not matter

what you say does not matter - what you look does not matter – what you do for a living does not matter – how you behave does not matter - the position you hold in the world does not matter - none of these matter. what you are on the heart of your heart, who you are in the root of your root, in the soul of your soul continues to marvel me.

one more thing to throw away

awakening is not the end of spiritual practice – not at all. you look inside each day and there is one more thing to throw away - each day we hear a song we’ve never heard of before – each day we move a little deeper where the waters are more clear, where the music is more authentic and effortless -

two possibilities

when you feel yourself being pulled towards someone or something outside of you, there are two possibilities - something deep within you wants to open up, heal and flourish more deeply - or something inside of you is already fully grown and it is ready to release its fragrance and share itself abundantly.

Allow life to be a mystery

Practice to be as real and authentic as possible. Allow life to be a mystery Don’t try to learn too much. When failure comes your way, make it your guest. If pain wants to emerge allow it. If heartbroken, accept it Don’t take it personally and when you look inside you will find holes in your body. Now it is time for you to sing. it is time to dance. That is why a flute can sing it has discovered its holes and it has accepted them.

your job is important

I have no doubt about this - your relationships are important, your job is important, your education is important, your hobbies are important --- as long as they don’t take you away from your own heart-center, as long as they don’t obscure the light pouring from your inner being.

your fundamental goodness

Inside of us we have all that we need to handle any challenges – so my friend why do your fear? Why do you swing between the idea of losing and winning? your infinite divinity, your fundamental goodness does not fluctuate. It does not expire. It does not depend on external factors. So why do you worry my dear friend?

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

holy fire

This is what a true companion does – She-he helps you ignite a holy fire in the center of your chest so that it can burn any obstacles that prevents you from living with your full potential.

the details

be attached to nothing and nobody. don’t make yourself busy planning and scheduling .. your main responsibility is to accept this moment as it is. then the universe can take care of the details for you.

to touch your heart

My dear friends, I want to make something clear to you- whatever I share here with you on a regular basis is not to teach you anything new. please don’t make yourself busy learning. It is only to touch your heart and awaken your deepest longing -

cluster of consciousness

your body is a cluster of consciousness, a garden afire with God, it is the extension of the universe – entry into heaven itself- a balanced and quality life is the one that moves between Spirit and form –

have you noticed?

have you noticed the time you went to a far away place to rest and relax, to get away from hectic life but you regretted your going there and wished you were somewhere else and the mind continues to find faults everywhere you look? you continue to be restless and unsatisfied? this is simply because you've not yet found happiness and peace inside your own heart.

safe place

when you grow up in the environment that continues to tell you that you are not good enough or you are not enough, some day when you feel joy bursting inside of you, when you feel the moon rising inside your heart, you don't know how to handle it. you cannot be comfortable with who you are on the deepest level and so that you will squeeze yourself back into your mind where you think it is a safe place for you to hide.

become free

a very meaningful question you can ask yourself is not why terrible things can happen to you or anyone else. it is whether you choose to live with them or release them and become free.

supreme self

If everything we do is to discover our supreme self, and then share it with the world in the most courageous and tender way, our mission here on earth is accomplished.

daily song

for a mystic, for the one who’s awake, life is not work. It is not social agreement - It is not a duty - it is not a struggle - It is a daily song, It is a dance of the cosmos.

voice in your head

Whatever choice you make today – don’t depend on the voice in your head direct your inner light to it – ask your heart if it is going to bring smile to you and your environment. The heart is the dynamo of the infinite wisdom.

direct path

When an intense feeling arises inside you, this can be fear or deep sadness, don’t lose touch with it. don’t try to hide it or run away from it. Instead undress yourself and approach them the way lovers approach each other. hug and kiss them. they're great blessings and can be a direct path to your awakening.

empty tube

Do you ever feel that life is hard? do you become frustrated with the way things go? Do you feel exhausted and burnt out at times? If so it is just because whatever It is you are doing, you think you are the doer. You think you are in charge and you are very serious about it. The truth is that you are not the doer of what you are doing. Things are just being down through You. The supreme intelligence is doing things through you. Your job here is simply to allow it, to be a spaciousness, an empty tube through which days and nights pass. your task is to be the field on which the seeds of generosity are planted.

Friday, June 10, 2016

what is missing

You grew up in the world that wants you to focus on what is missing, what does not work and what is short so that you've always something to complain about when you meet someone. the truth is however, you are here because abundance wants to share it self fiercely - You’re here because tenderness wants to pour from the sky of your own heart like sweet rain in the early spring. You are here because gratitude wants to dance every time we sit together in silence.

by allowing, you become powerful

by suppressing or running away from what wants to emerge through you, you become small and fearful. by allowing, you become powerful because you’ve made peace with everything and everyone.

right action

right action can be generated at the right time and at the right place not from the self-serving egoic entity that wants to achieve something but from the place of supreme high, pure consciousness that does not expect any result in return.

stories after stories

You are not what your biography says about you. don’t encourage your mind to invent stories after stories. be drawn to whatever can empty you and stay here. You’ll realize that you are not actually what happens but a sacred ground on which all things happen.

move inside

all that is required is to move inside and touch your depth, you have a depth that the ego is afraid of. Move a little deeper and be familiar with your true essence - be deeply rooted in your heart - then there is nothing to wait for because you've met and honored this moment fully, with all her music and noise, without leaving anything out.

every time she sees you

love is not interested in what you've accomplished in the past. she is not interested in what you are planning in the future. she is only interested in you and every time she sees you lonely, worried and needy and lost in thought, she looks at you with eyes that are filled with sunlight and deep compassion and says, dear one, i am here only for you, i am here to tickle you and make you laugh. I am here to melt your worries, to erode your fear, to heal your wound and nourish you soul. I've given my whole self to you. what more do you want? what more do you want my dear friend?

your depth

If the environment In which you live cannot understand and support your depth don’t take it personally nor try to convince anyone. Continue to sing your song. Water is never in a rush to get somewhere. She moves into the crust of the earth slowing.

we can shine together

instead of competing and racing against each other, If our priority here on earth is to stay open and fearless, we can shine together brighter than thirty thousands suns.

deep enough

What if whatever it is that you have been waiting for in your life has already happened? Have you looked inside deep enough my dear companion?

smelling the eternal

Why focus so much on outside noise? by tasting and smelling the eternal, the divine flower bursting within you, you can be free from all fears

color does not matter

Your age does not matter, Your color does not matter, Your circumstance does not matter - your gender does not matter -- Life wants to be your true friend. She wants to work with you on the most intimate level if you meet this moment fully and openly because this moment is not time. it is life itself disguised as time.

little events

a vast ocean is composed of tiny little drops. honor the little events in your life. Your big days are woven out of them the same way a great embroidery is spun from little strings and yarns.


Whoever has told you that you need more time to be enlightened has misguided you. It is a spam. Enlightenment does not need time. You may need more time, maybe even a thousand years to invent stories and write fiction about yourself and the world. time is an invisible wall between you and the beloved. How about if you just drop now the idea of achieving enlightenment because on the heart level you are already enlightened. There is something deep in you that is stable and whole and wants nothing from outside

the middle of the night

eyes are opening from inside – planetary consciousness is changing - millions are experiencing inner intoxication, inner shift and they cannot stop it even if they want– a shift from thinking to the awareness of thinking – from dreaming to presence and awakening– from fear to dissolving into love - from rejecting to allowing – the sun rises in the middle of the night inside your heart. What a miracle!

bringing presence

True compassion begins not by burning yourself up to save the world but by bringing presence to the little things you do on a daily basis such as for example being fully present when you walk from your bedroom to the rest room -

all suffering

We cannot explain why some humans have to go through so much suffering while some suffer lightly – anyway, all sufferings, big or small, all mistakes you have made in your life and all the challenges you face will eventually bring you closer to your true essence. remember that whatever emerges is a secret gift for awakening.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

stop forcing anything

You’re the spontaneous dance of life and it is through you that the universe knows itself. stop forcing anything. Things happen naturally, without your interference. Return to the unrepeatable symphony in your being. It will show you how to let go of trying and be at ease with who you are.

land of milk and honey

There is something you need to remember again and again - your heart is the land of milk and honey – It is the farm where everything grows abundantly. Your heart is the birthplace of a ten thousand moons and milky ways -- If you cannot find peace here, if you cannot find love here, if you cannot find joy here, where else can you find it? the world cannot give you any of this. because it does not have one.

Friday, May 27, 2016

mother's energy

Mother’s energy is a unifying energy. It is infinite potentiality for healing. It is a nourishing presence. It is a sweet shelter. Happy mother’s day to all of you who are mothers and would- be- mothers and sisters -- May sanity and infinite tenderness continue to burst from inside your womb and calm the world.

fire of infinite grace

even after a very long spiritual practice, doing yoga, meditation and prayers, there are still many of us who struggle with our emotions and feelings. We still find it hard to stop Judging ourselves and others. We judge the way our body looks and how Someone behaves. We find it easy to offer advice to other people on how to embrace difficult times but when it comes our way, we hardly know what to do with it. We can show forgiveness and compassion to other people but we are not forgiving to ourselves or to someone who lives with us. This is just because it does not matter how refined and spiritual we think we are, we are not yet in communion with our inner-most being, we have not yet felt the fire of infinite grace blazing in our chest.

in her dreams

Life has seen you in her dreams so many times way before you came here in this form. She is not interested in your education or what you do for a living. She is interested in you. She is fiercely in love with your heart. so don’t be ashamed of being yourself my dear friend.

the only time

the only time you feel upset and agitated, fearful, worried and guilty--- is when you become removed from the ground of your true being, your inner pilgrimage and get entangled in the web of your mind pattern.


he world can be turbulent. it can be noisy. don't criticize it nor run away from it. it is created by human mind that is noisy and insane. Be still and touch it with the tenderness in your being. Let your heart expand so that you can hold it inside your stability, within your infinite smile.

a master

a master does not control situations. she/he embraces this moment with all the things it holds inside it. this is called utter simplicity and grace.

gift from the unseen

When you treat every single moment as a precious gift from the unseen, (no matter what she holds inside her deep womb), your entire life becomes a silent retreat.

i was raw

for years, I was raw and doubtful and muddy --- Love arrived and polished and cooked and cleansed me. Grace came suddenly and opened my heart to the blazing sun.

avoiding obstacles

the conditioned mind continues to tell you that by avoiding obstacles you can easily achieve an everlasting happiness in your life. the truth is, your readiness to move through obstacles is what makes you smoother and brings you to the place of no-thought, to your eternal depth where true happiness already exists as yourself.

this morning around three

this morning around three, I was holding a child on my shoulder and walking in the house for nearly an hour. when I look a little inside, it was actually the child who was holding me within her infinite innocence.

around the bush

he way to love is direct and clear and your own heart is the window into the beloved's living room. why do you keep beating around the bush?

into herself

Love is patient and undersanding. She waits for you until you are free from your own ideas and images and beliefs --- then she will knock on your door to turn you into herself.

your need to be special

The most sacred thing that can ever happen to you is when your need to be special dissolves. then you will start to recognize something immensely precious in the very core of all human beings. that is the eternal formless, the true essence of who


Everything is a pointer. the moment of great silence shows we’re giving birth to infinity. the fragrance a flower pointers to our own inner perfume. Laugher happens to us when the mind stops chattering and we enter the region of grace.

names and places

Yes, you can work very hard to remember every little details of events and things and names and places -- so that you can get along with the people around you. but my dear friend, what is the point if you don’t remember who you are?


Any urge or need to be in a relationship with someone or something, be a person or a tree or a river - be physical or spiritual – be it consciously or unconsciously, it is an attempt and a deep longing to establish oneness with the higher self.

Someone who’s rude

Someone who’s rude, someone who hurts another human being touches me the same way as someone who’s tender and compassionate because I know someday when he/she wakes up to his/her own true nature the earth and the sky cannot hold his/her beaut

broken mirror

Watch out for this- by clinging to something the mind can trick you into believing that you are safe and strong. The truth is that you are being a fool and powerless because you are trying to look for your face inside a broken mirror. Remember! Only this moment is reliable. Look inside.

bottomless ocean

By thinking so much and stretching the mind you cannot be creative. Only repetitive thought happens again and again. creativity arises from deep inside, from the bottomless ocean, place where thought stops, the region of vast stillness where you can merge with your own inner intelligence.

this moment

There are some human beings who seem on the surface to be very happy, bubbly and very outgoing. They laugh easily and they’ve always something to say to someone but deep inside they harbor a lot of unhappiness and grief. This is because they don’t have the willingness to sit with themselves and look what is inside. They seem to get along with people easily but they cannot get along with themselves. they try very hard to forge friendship with someone but they are not friends with this moment. In fact this moment is their biggest enemy. There are certain things we can walk away from. In fact we can walk away from whatever does not serve our purpose. but can we walk away from the perfume of life? Can we walk away from who we are? Let’s turn inward and examine this sincerely.

touching the eternal

True wealth is not having twenty million dollars in your bank account. It is touching the eternal, the divine spaciousness deep within you.

the biggest challenge

the biggest challenge for humans is to meet each other without any agenda.


Be silent. don’t turn on your mind. there is nothing to miss by being Still. allow this serenity to awash you like rainwater– a flower is waiting to burst in your heart.

your true essence

in the eyes of the world, you may not be a great mom - you may not be good girlfriend - you may not be a good dad. do you feel guilty about it? It is perfectly ok if you don’t fit anywhere, if you cannot play these roles. Your primary task is not role playing. It is rather to awaken to your true essence.

light in your heart

You can be skeptic about almost everything in the world. You can doubt the existence of whatever rises and falls – you can doubt your own perception about things around you – you can question everything you've learned. but how can you doubt who you really are? how can you doubt the light in your heart?

main source of human suffering

thought is the main source of human suffering. it does not matter if it is negative or positive thought. all are thought patterns that the mind produces endlessly. if you move above thought you will touch a region called Bliss. that is your original nature. what is what we experience when we meditate or simply become still.

your being

when something in your life goes terribly wrong, say, you lose your voice one day before your speaking engagement or someone very close to your heart dies on your wedding day --- it is normal for the mind to freak out. if you kindly look inside, nothing actually went wrong. only something happened that is not in your mind, something that you are not ready for. most things in this world are relative. Only one thing is of absolute importance. That is not a thing. It is your being. it is your inner intelligence, the ground out of which life grows.

divine spaciousness

There are times when words that come out of our mouth penetrate us like a gentle flame and we become moved and stimulated and inspired and even drunk because we feel so much power in the words. We feel deep compassion and tenderness that opens our heart, ignites fire inside us and heals the past wound. We smell sweet fragrance of life eruption inside and outside of us and suddenly we fall in love with everything including ourselves. The truth is It is not the words that move us beyond description. It is not just the words what warm our heart like morning sun, It is the divine spaciousness where they arise from, it is the infinity generosity of the beloved from where they come forth

there is a knowing

There is a knowing that does not need Images and concepts – it does not depend on what you’ve learned in the past. It is a direct merging and lovemaking with existence where in every life form you see your own reflection - you hear one music playing inside every heart – you see thousand birds flying with your wings – you step on a tiny rock and it breaks. God jumps out of it and smiles at you and says, I know you are looking for me. Be naked and empty now The sky is so elegant.

mental noise

Silence is not when you’ve nothing to say – it is rather when presence arises in your chest like a sweet waterfall and washes away the mental noise that separates you from your intoxicating fragrance.

private business

dust of words

True intelligence is not an IQ. it cannot be measured. it is the ocean that has no roof or floor or shore. it is an infinite depth. stay with this beauty my friend and be still. by talking without a break you cover this inner generosity with the dust of words.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

breaking patterns

by breaking patterns, you can look into the hidden meaning of existence - that will be the beginning of clarity and the end of all fears.

no free lunch

They say there is no free lunch. The sun shines for free. does the moon charge you any thing for her dazzling smiles? trees erupt into a flower for free. the morning breeze that caresses your face like a lover is free. Rain pours for free. Life itself is free and unconditional and the whole universe is wild and intoxicating. What more do you want my friend?

madness into flowers

Be still and wake up inside this stillness and know yourself. turn madness into flowers.

quality time

there is no such thing as quality time. time cannot be quality. when we merge with the force of life and become awake, you've touched the eternal and time dissolves because it is not real in the first place.

you are peace

f you’ve an intimate conversation with yourself, you will realize that everyone and everything, the trees and all the leaves on the trees, the mountains and even tiny rocks in the abandoned streets, the sun and the rainbows and the winds and galaxies --- everyone and everything --- sincerely reminding you to drop anything that prevents you from being awake and fully present, to be still and know that you are peace.

struggle and stagger

Only being one with your heart, uniting with your true essence does not require effort. You are melting into the ocean of love. everything else wants you to struggle and stagger.

whatever is allowed

whatever is allowed, whatever is accepted and embraced cannot push you around and hold you back any more. you have no enemy. You are free.

Now is not time

to a friend who said, You talk about Now More often in your writings but Now passes quickly even before you finish a poem ----- and it is not now any more. What do you say to this? Now is not time It is aliveness. It is eternity. It is the ocean of ever-unfolding music. So many things come and go emotions come and go pain comes and go pleasure comes and go thought come and go. In fact Now is the only gift that never passes, the only thing now is real, eternal generosity of life itself.

between your two eyes

Bow to the space between your two eyes – the space between your breathes – the space between your partner – the space between your children the space between your friends – the space between the words you say – that is where the fountain of life surges forth to embrace you

the first thing you notice

When you wake up from dream state and look around, the first thing you notice is that everything looks different and the wall between you and everything else is not there anymore. then you begin to realize that all your problems and worries are not real.

going to into labor

Going into labor or being in great danger or experiencing orgasm can be a little death – the ultimate surrender, a great metaphor for letting go, a moment of total loss of control, even though it is short-lived, it is a glimpse into what we cannot explain with languages, entry into the door of bliss. If you could look at yourself when you experience orgasm, you cannot really tell if you are in great pain or great pleasure. Both can be the same. It is the total merging of heaven and earth, total melting. Life that is lived deeply, free from Mental commotion can be an every day orgasm, and every time we die a little, we melt and blossom a thousand times a

a child

A child does not live in the past or future. She/he is fully alert and present. She does not live out any aspect of life through mental screening. she lives fully. When you give her a new toy, she drops the old toy and plays with the new one. She is not attached to the old structure. She can only be attracted to one toy at a time. She does not multi-task. When two children meet, they start playing without any plan or purpose. they don’t sit down and exchange information. a child does not pretend - she tells the truth it does not matter if truth hurts you or not. When she feels like crying, She cries, when she is tired She sleeps. When she is hungry, She eats….

everything changes

A true lover is the one who does not hold onto anything, nor claims nor try to own anything– She-he knows everything changes.

another name for abundance

by simply observing how a bird sings from a tall tree in the early morning hours - by noticing how a new plant breaks the ground and emerges to smell sunlight - we can tell life is another name for abundance, a sacred pomegranate swollen with miracles.

only love stays with you

Everything else will come and go. only love stays with you. only grace stays with you as yourself.

concentrated love

whether you are aware or not, every heart is filled with concentrated love. otherwise life cannot have any business to do with you.

how beautiful you are

I want to be clear with your heart - I am not here to encourage you to dream - I am here to encourage You to wake up into a space Where all your stories fall away so that you can see with your own eyes how beautiful you are.

dark cave of your soul

Sometimes you need to plunge into the dark cave of your soul, alone, not supported or held by anyone, So that you can truly discover the very depth of your brilliance blessing every part of you and surging deep in your being like holy wate

direct path

This seems a great paradox but the most direct path to come home is to be baffled and get lost in the deep jungle of confusion

The soul is free

The soul is free Spirit is free the supreme intelligence is free. You are that freedom. don’t try to belong to anything or anyone. Don’t do anything that cleaves your beautiful wings.

here and everywhere

When you simply notice that the heart is a universal Warehouse of infinite elegance, immediately unconditional love awakens inside of you and you become like the sky - you are here and everywhere else at the same time. You will have the capacity to hold, to love and accept everyone as they are. By just being around you, people also start to be kind and loving because true love is like wine. it penetrates and intoxicates easily.

I love you

"When you say I love you to another person, the mind immediately wants to grasp it and misinterpret it. When there is no interpretation, you are actually confirming that you are at complete peace and feeling one with life at that moment and you’ve recognized that person as yourself.

discovery of the eternal

true courage is the discovery of the eternal, the Supreme intelligence ever-dancing within us. knowing that we are beyond death and birth and experiencing timelessness each moment.

television set

A true friend is not a television set She-he does not flood you with news. Her-his presence empties you.

past experience

Love is the only thing that does not require any past experience. It only requires you to be available, to be completely human, to be soft and open.

precious gift

Many people can bring you gifts but those are rare who can recognize you as a precious gift of life and a timeless treasure.

Rip your chest open

don't depend of your guru's words to be happy, nor on the holy scriptures nor on people's opinions about you - Rip your chest open and see what is inside. This will be beyond what you can ever imagine.

to be absent

because to be absent is to be secretly present, to be still is to sing with the deepest longing in your heart. to be crashed is also to return to the liquid miracle of existence, to spill and gush towards the true nature of your being. don't ever hesitate to move closer to the music in your starving eyes. you are activating a clean signpost in which a new silence moves through. even the darkest night cannot cover this timeless majesty.

the dream and dreamer

Why pay attention to the things that fall and rise? if your only homework is to awaken the dream and dreamer inside of you, that will be the end of all stories and the beginning of true freedom


Life is unstoppable invitation calling your name like a songbird at the peak hours of morning. Instead of doubting it, melt inside it. Allow it with all of your being. It is yourself returning to yourself. the source is meeting with the source. If you notice anything false Inside of you, look at it with eyes filled with love. that will become real again.

there is nothing to force

It is enough to know there is nothing to force, there is no button to push for everything unfolds on its own – only be patient. It is enough to be tickled and caressed and particularly be dazzled by the mystery of life.

layers of little storage

If you want to be fair and compassionate to yourself and everyone else, empty the layers of little storage in your mind every morning before you come out to meet the world so that whatever you see becomes fresh and clean and original.

perceived sense of time

when you dwell inside the perceived sense of time, you become limited and feel the heaviness of old-age each day. when you recognize the timeless mystic deep within your being, you touch the eternal.

whatever arises

whatever arises, whatever comes your way, when not interpreted, nor pushed away or given a name, it is music. listen. That is a great courage.

love has no favorites

love never chooses, it has no criteria, it has no favorites. in the eyes of love, gold is not superior to mud everything is an endless blessings.

The origin of all things

The origin of all things is inside, In all forms and colors. when you see the sun outside of you and follow her trails, her true location points towards your inner being. when your heart is wide open, the sun finds encouragement to move outside and shine without boundaries. this means, the sun is your own subtle and deeper dimension giving herself freely to the world.

escape from pain

You don’t have to escape from pain. that is what the whole world is trying to do and that is another suffering. if you simply recognize there is pain and learn how to sit with it, you two will make great companions.

noting to wait for

I have noting to wait for. everything is within me already, as an ever-pouring of infinite splendor, ever-flowering tree of life.

what everybody does

There is no doubt. People are going to like you when you do what everybody does, when you follow rules and instructions. The problem is you can never discover your true self and truly speaking there is nothing more hurting than being a stranger to your own true essence.

when bowing to someone

when bowing to someone or something, let it be from the place that knows the oneness of all things underneath all forms not from the field of fear and separation

when you love yourself

You feel good when someone accepts and loves you. When you love and accept yourself, it is a miracle.

Be still

When doubt moves Into your body like a cloud, be still. When you don’t know what to do and where to go, be still. When you are overwhelmed, be still. When you feel vulnerable, be still. Only those who are willing to be united with their true essence are able to love.

You cannot be free

You cannot be free until you’ve opened up and released any part of you that has not been forgiven.


I have met so many people who work very hard hoping that their good deeds can take them to heaven some day in the future. I wish a had a better way of explaining to them that heaven is right here where their feet have touched the ground

in the beginning

in the beginning we were many. we were thousands. we were millions like stars in the sky of generosity. one day we gazed at each other and inside each others heart we saw something we could not say with words. we became silent and silence brought us close to each other and now we became one and we hold everything that is necessary for life like a rosebud holds light and air and the moon and the soil and laughter and pefume and fire -- inside of her. we hold everything that is precious.

mystical journey

three things you need for your mystical journey - the heart that is open and fearless - your ability to stay still in the face of great commotion and your willingness to let go of your belief and die into light.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

soft and open

Love is the only thing that does not require any past experience. It only requires you to be available, to be soft and open.

God laughing

why do you think too much, my friend? Why try to remember too much? Let the mind be on its own and practice stillness. if you do that more often, you will hear God laughing from inside your chest.

sound of the unheard

When rainfalls, don’t talk. Don’t analyze it. Listen. It is a sound of the unheard. Open your heart and drink it. Blessings is coming down to drench your parched soul. to quench your cosmic thirst. when clouds are tired of being opaque and heavy, they surrender and fall into the arms of mystery for whoever is willing to die into mystery becomes the mystery Itself.

don’t edit your poems

don’t prune your trees don’t weed your garden. don’t edit your poems. Everything that emerges is a sacred river flowing within a river. Have faith in the spontaneous bursting of the unexpected deep within you.

How peaceful are you?

Have time to investigate your thoughts, your beliefs and your ideas about life and yourself - ask the questions - How peaceful are you? How content are you? How agitated are you? restless mind can create agitated family members and community.

precious gift

Many people can bring you gifts but those are rare who can recognize you as a precious gift of life and a timeless treasure.

rip your chest open

don't depend on your guru's words to be happy, nor on the holy scriptures nor on people's opinions about you - Rip your chest open and see what is inside. This will be beyond what you can ever imagine.

nothing to force

It is enough to know there is nothing to force, there is no button to push for everything unfolds on its own – only be patient. It is enough to be tickled and caressed and particularly be dazzled by the mystery of life.

to be secretly present

because to be absent is to be secretly present, to be still is to sing with the deepest longing in your heart. to be crashed is also to return to the liquid miracle of existence, to spill and gush towards the true nature of your being. don't ever hesitate to move closer to the music in your starving eyes. you are activating a clean signpost in which a new silence moves through. even the darkest night cannot cover this timeless majesty.

dream and dreamer

Why pay attention to the things that fall and rise? if your only homework is to awaken the dream and dreamer inside of you, that will be the end of all stories and the beginning of true freedom.


Life is unstoppable invitation calling your name like a songbird at the peak hours of morning. Instead of doubting it, melt inside it. Allow it with all of your being. It is yourself returning to yourself. the source is meeting with the source. If you notice anything false Inside of you, look at it with eyes filled with love. that will become real again.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

believe no more

Believe no more that any one is responsible for your pain and suffering - Then you will start living life in her fullness and totality and it is not possible for you again to be a victim of any situation any more.

how do you want to be treated?

there is a old saying that goes - treat others the way you want to be treated. the question is how do you want to be treated? how do you treat yourself? have you been kind to yourself? do you live in a constant fear and worry? do you have respect for who you really are? have you loved and accepted who you are? are you forgiving? do you hold grudges against others --- ? the truth is, it is only when you are willing to be kind to yourself, someone can be kind to you because on the higher level anything you see outside of you is not different from who you really are.

better days

Only someone who waits for the future to come believes that better days are yet to come. why wait my friend? let the perfume of life, the eternal now flood you over. what happens when you relax and let your hands open? everything that you have been holding onto will fly way making a space for the river to flow through it. all your waiting will fly away. all your worries will fly away. all your doubt will fly away. only you will remain. only love will remain. only this song will remain, the song that does not refer to anything other than its own perfection, the song what you knew how to sing it very well when you were a child.

open the door

when i see a friend request on my facebook, it feels like a guest is standing by the door - i open the door and let them in. i don't ask for their names. i don't ask if we've met before. i am not interested in their stories. i don't ask what city or country they come from. i don't ask what their religion or gender is. i know them through their heart and their deepest longing in their eyes. i know they have come here because they are being drawn to their own light. any meaningful hunger is the hunger for the ultimate self. hidden music in the heart. after all, everyone is trying his/her best to come home.

go inside of you

you might have spent a lot of money to attend a satsang or a spiritual gathering expecting to be enlightened. a good teacher however does not give a new information on how to survive very well. Actually there is no-thing she-he can give you. she-he looks at you and smiles and says, dear one, you see, you are already what you are searching for. what i say may not satisfy you. go inside of you and find it yourself.

in the face of chaos

the heart is like a flower - once it is crushed open, it gives off a fragrance that is so majestic that we forget our safety and start dancing in the face of a chaos.

whatever is arising

whatever is arising on the physical plane does not really matter. why give so much attention to your thought? You are more beautiful than you can ever imagine.

love does not compete

look into your inner being and breath. You know love does not compete. When you speak she listens. when you listen, she speaks. and when not driven by fear and worry, the world can be a sacred community.


There is nothing wrong with thinking. it is happening anyway. shifting from your thinking into the awareness of you thinking, observing when thought arises, however, can bring you back to the depth of the present moment, where you can handle even the most difficult situations with elegance and ease.

nature of light

this is the nature of light - when it feels your presence, it remembers itself. it feels oneness with you. it dances and expands and by expanding it tickles your heart and opens every part of you that has been locked and you smile. Your smile brings you to your natural state, turning doubt into infinity love.

lotus blooming in your chest

What does it mean to be a true friend? you asked. i responded, to be a lotus blooming in your chest. to be a deep glow in your sweet eyes - to be a hidden music in your lips and with a true friend you don't pick up a conversation from where you left the other day. You always forge a new one because every day is a first day of your life and a true friend is never afraid of being a beginner every day.

spontaneous flow of nature

you are already the energy that makes the earth orbit around the sun - you are the eyes through which the universe sees itself - whatever you add to yourself through learning interferes with the spontaneous flow of nature and hides your true essence.

your beauty

i don't measure your beauty by what you do for a living or how many diplomas you've earned but by how you fall and rise in the face of a challenge and never afraid to fall again and again.

birthplace of peace

if you're planning to go somewhere in search of peace and happiness, i say to you, cancel your flight and burn your ticket and look inside of your heart and stay there. that is the birthplace of peace and happiness. that is the head-quarter of truelove.

mechanism for survival

your desire to be someone other than you and to be somewhere other than where you are right now, is simply a mechanism for survival.

fully alive and awake

sometimes, life does not want to leave you to your own devices. and she shakes you up and down because she wants to be sure that you are fully alive and awake. when you are alive, you no longer live in fear and when you've no fear you can bloom.

biological urges

When you realize that you are not here to satisfy your biological urges but to glow like a full moon in the spring, life becomes a continuation of everyday miracle.

bitter and sweet

You suffer mainly because you are busy avoiding what you assume is bitter and running after what is sweet. Sometimes what tastes sweet can be poisonous and what is bitter can be transforming.

splashing shallow waters

for how long are you going to be interested in strewing dust and splashing shallow waters? the one that holds your hands and gently draws you to your own infinite depth is here. surrender to that now.

when you approach reality

when you approach reality by way of images, words, concepts and grammatical rules, life seems to you fuzzy, dry and insensible and instead of channeling miracle you depend on luck.

something in common

"we are here not because we've something in common but because we are actually roots and stems and trunks and branches for each other - we are one."

any openings possible

don't try to repair everything that is fractured and torn- Grace has been waiting for so long to pour herself into you through any openings possible.

infinite intelligence

Don’t try to convince your mind and anybody else’s mind that you are pure awareness, that you are the field of infinite intelligence from which everything arises and to which all things return. this is too much for the mind and it cannot handle this conversation.

how magnificent you are

because you’ve forgotten how magnificent you are, Because you’ve overlooked how powerful you are – you continue to play a victim role.

the universe laughing

What if you get up this morning and suddenly discover that every single particle in your body pulsates with a deep, radiant and delicious light and every sound you hear is the universe laughing?


Something to meditate on for today – If you feel agitated, unsatisfied, shaky and fearful --- it is simply because you have been good at arguing with the music of life.

between you and I

If there is any wall or distance between You and I , It is only a story the mind continues to itself. Don’t buy it. long before the birth of logic or reason we were here and my spirit and yours have mixed like mud and water, like fire and wood and it cannot be separated anymore.

true teacher

a true teacher is not the one who sells you something. It is the one who shows you how not to be afraid of being authentic to yourself, how to shine so brightly and fiercely.

Friday, March 4, 2016

the only courage

the only courage you need with all yourself is to stay open to whatever arises– the lions in the forest of your being will roar with joy and the entire universe can hear the music in your heart for it is everyone's music that has been hidden.

light in their eyes

if you want to connect with another human being on the most natural level, don’t focus on their conditioning or behavior. Focus on their deep longings, what can tickle their core and arouse their heart. Look at the light in their eyes when they are silent, not what they say or think.

to be God

There are moments when your heart opens and expands fiercely and becomes swollen with brilliant light and rainbows and infinite fragrance of gratitude -- completely drunk on the timeless honey of life, a holy fire of grace consumes you and you forget your name and your address and everything you’ve known and it becomes easier for you to be God than to serve god.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


it is not authentic lovemaking when two people join in sexual intercourse and still remain separate and lonely - it is rather when you look at the full moon in the dark night and recognize her as one of the luminous organs deep inside your body.

deeper self

Whatever you want to do today, ask your deeper self if this aligns with the music of the cosmos.

energy of life

You are not a puppet of life. you are the energy of life. you are life and life is abundant and spontaneous. it is self-caring and self-birthing and self organizing and she does not need a care-taker or a boss. on the deepest level, you are that too.

look inside

it does not make any difference if you are a veracious reader or a great traveler. you will not find yourself in the books or at the tourist centers. look inside yourself and be silent

everyone's music

the only courage you need with all yourself is to stay open to whatever arises– the lions in the forest of your being will roar with joy and the entire universe can hear the music in your heart for it is everyone's music that has been hidden.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

your own projection

if you cannot find love in yourself, if you cannot find peace in yourself, you cannot find it anywhere in the world because the world is nothing other than your own projection

eyes of love

whatever you see with the eyes of fear contracts. whatever you see with the eyes of love becomes sacred. don't believe what you were told as a child. your inner brilliance knows that you are not a little creature. You have not come from mud either. You're a vast garden of endless fecundity, a silk which secretly weaves the universe together.

ruby and wine

My friend, The world needs you more than It needs ruby and wine and moonlight in the evening. Let me know when you are done with sleep-walking so that can swing by your house to wake you up so that there will be oneness with everything that happens and we will join like mother and fetus, like the earth and a tree, breathing and pulsating and moving together and will actively participate in any act that helps us move beyond our five senses and ignite the fire of infinite knowing and learn together to fly tenderly without wings.

flower of silence

there are moments when nothing wants to be uttered but a fragrant flower of silence. don't run way from this grace nor try to explain it. Surrender to it fully. It is the way of the divine wanting to give you a warm, dissolving hug.

stark aliveness

In the State of stark aliveness even what seems to be man- made becomes real. You will become a child and dare to do what is forbidden in the eyes of the world.


Whether you are moving north or south bound, you are boundless and actually you are moving within. that is how the music of God moves --- deep within.

Friday, February 19, 2016

causing suffering

When you seldom listen to your inner intelligence what you really want in your life may be unclear and while you try to create a healthy environment you may end up causing suffering and pain in your relationships and others.

to be awakened

to be awakened is to be peaceful. There is no conflict in you. anyone who is around you becomes liberated.

even for one second

even for one second, don't ever regret my dear friend for walking away from the environment that cannot see brilliance in your eyes nor can feel a holy fire of creativity blazing in your heart.

mind-stopping phenomenon

Nothing and nobody can make you a better person. nor education nor religion nor advice nor workout ---- can improve you. Look inside. what you are on the quentum level is a mind-stopping phenomenon.

wild explosion

when you do something because you simply enjoy doing it and it is your deep and unstoppable passion, a wild explosion of inner volcano, not because someone is going to admire it for you or some result will come out of it someday in the future --- that will be a genuine fulfillment and a true source of bliss.

incorruptibly stable

it is only until you open your heart to the honey flavored rain of love, to everyday gratitude that you feel wobbly and shaky and wiggly - it is possible you can even feel limited, helpless and separated outwardly. Once you discover the region in you that is timeless and incorruptibly stable and serene. you will find the courage to drop any illusion you are holding onto and your entire being begins to radiate like summer sky. the energy that pulls you down like gravity (the ego) melts or becomes transformed into a rosebush and it does not need babysitting anymore.


A person Who gets in the habit of blaming you and making you feel guilty does not deserve your friendship because she-her is not yet ready to mirror your true nature.

Your friendship

Your friendship with your heart, your relationship with this moment can show your relationship with your life.

inside your openness

inside your openness, in your willingness to let go, life renews itself and when you look without judgement, no single speck of dust in the universe is in the wrong spot.

love in yourself

if you cannot find love in yourself, if you cannot find peace in yourself, you cannot find it anywhere in the world because the world is nothing other than your own projection.


existence raises herself into a divine poetry and seducing laughter and sweet music --- when we live not from the echo of past memory but from this moment, the sacred ground of spontaneity.

you are here to LOVE

It is time for you to know that the universe is aware of itself through you - As the sun Is here to distribute light, as a flower is here to heal pain, as the water is here to quench deep thirst, you are here to love.

raw and wild

It was many years ago, I said to life – Show me how to love you deeply and fully – Drop your desire to be on top of everything, your need to be in control. this moment is raw and wild. You will break if you want to control it. Let go of your precious tomorrows and your glorious past. Don’t be afraid of being yourself because that is the only thing you can be good at. You are the capacity for acceptance even when you are betrayed or humiliated or attacked --- that is the invitation into your deeper self ----- I listened and I did what she said. Something inside of me melted into her infinite simplicity. We held hands and flew to the place we could not see on the map.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

truly in love

When you are truly in love with someone, a tree, a stone or an insect - - you are in love with God because from deep inside all things, no matter how big or small they look, they burn with the liquid flame of God.


to experience in each day and in each moment the Holiness of all things, to smell the scent of God inside everything, you need to raise your heart-pulsation to the level of God.

the only approval

if you want to be an infinite illumination of life, an ever glowing candle of existence, the only approval you need is from your own heart and if you get the chance to mention your intention to the sun, she would smile with her sweet eyes and say, What a courage! I do this all the time.

out of your mind

Some times when people say, “You are out of your mind” They mean you’ve gone mad. Actually it is only by getting out your mind that you can become fully alive, you start breathing life into your whole being. It is like irrigating a dry land and turning it into a fecund ground of endless generosity. By only moving beyond your mind you can move beyond all limitations and become united with your heart, where you can touch the divine, where everything is fresh and alive.

let your heart open

Stop seeking – Release your accumulated fear and let your heart open. let your mind open. let your hands open – the sun and the forests and the galaxies will move through you. in your heart the universe knows itself as the Altar of the divine knowing, a place for timeless love.

most current incarnation

Whenever you’ve time, Stay close to children – they are the most current Incarnation of pure light–

you are the carpenter

you are not so small. you are not held together by a thin skin around your body. you are not the outcome of the big bang. you are the big bang. you are not tables and chairs. you are the carpenter. look at how water can change its forms and thickness and taste, how it can dived deep into the secret of the ground and move elegantly. Birds fly effortlessly because they cling to nothing. You are not the part of the universe - you are the primordial energy of the universe. You have not come into the world - you've come out of it like a wild, sweet volcano. you are not on probation here on earth. you are here to live fully and adequately.

east and west

The difference between East and West - In the west when you say you are one with God, people around you would shout at you saying how dare you speak such blasphemy and they will crucify you. In the East when you say the same, they shout and scream with joy and congratulate you for your courage to discover yourself.

to be kind

what does it mean to be kind to yourself? it is to see yourself not as someone who has to meet the expectation and criteria of the world but to feel a continuous glow of a holy fire bursting inside your heart. to see yourself as the very fabric of life, the heart of existence, the fullness and wholeness of total joy.

hide and seek

What if you are only playing hide and seek and pretending to be in a deep sleep. when you gaze a little inside your true nature has always been wide awake and sparkling.

I love you

“I love you” is simply a way of breathing. What I really want to say Is that you and I are one and my soul and yours love to dance together in the open streets of existence. I looked at the sky last night and saw the moon in love with burning. I looked at your face and saw ten thousand soft suns trembling with endless serenity. Ancient one, It is your presence, your capacity to forgive and your galvanizing lucidity that evokes brilliance out of the universe.


Love Is self-birthing, self-generating alchemical energy. It feeds itself to Those who are Open and it never dries. and no matter how much you feed on it It never makes you overweight. It moves endlessly and it is never tired.

a great work of masterpiece

a great work of masterpiece does not come from a repetitive mind pattern. it is birthed from the womb of pure consciousness, not by doing it faster but by slowing down and looking deeper where consciousness vibrates at the highest level. by slowing down,we are not doing less as the mind wants to believe, We are doing more. We are turning noise into music, quantity into quality.

moving deeper

The only sensible way to dispense love and heal each other’s brokenness is by moving deeper into the uniting force of mother energy, the original seed, the universal umbilical cord from where true nourishment and generosity springs.

beneath anger

Here is a secret – The universe is a huge system of vibration, a thunderbolt of a continuous spontaneity. Move beyond your sensory experiences and see what really happen - underneath the jungle of duality there flows the water of oneness - Beneath anger and confusion, there is clarity and order. Behind your whining and dissatisfaction, there is a song of gratitude. When you think you are lonely and abandoned, You are already one with everything


The most beautiful experience i had this afternoon was to watch a snowflake slowly dissolving and returning to earth, to the original mind. The snow did not argue nor resist. she did not panic. She was in a complete surrender and acceptance. what happened to her did not exactly destroy her. It was an invitation from the unseen for her transformation.

meet this moment

When you get up this morning contemplate on this - A very little requirement life wants for you is to meet this moment fully, without fear, without doubt or censorship - not leaving anything out – not judging or criticizing - - then all your little problems and worries will be taken care of because total acceptance and worry cannot live together in the same room

natural love

Today is a valentine’s day and so it goes like this - The most authentic humor is not when you laugh at others. It is when you laugh at yourself and the most is not loving others but loving yourself deeply because it is only when you love yourself in this way that you can love and contain others in your heart and in fact that kind of loving dissolves the word “others” because in the truest sense it comes from a place of fear and forgetfulness, a place of duality. This love is so wild and so true that the universe herself blushes at your presence. It is a love affair with your highest self, the infinite.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

flow elegantly

how is it possible
for you to flow elegantly
like this?
I asked the river one morning.
You don’t even need
rest? how can you do it?
There is no fear in my heart.
This flowing is a mystery
to myself and when you
merge with the mystery,
anything is possible. 
you become endlessness,
the living signature of God.
She said.

more grounded

What if
You just knew
that what you are
is more real,
more grounded
and more stunning
than what you want
to achieve?


Someone who follows my writings said to me the other day that my poetry is helping her to rise from her childhood pain and discover her hidden innocence again. I am very grateful that is happening. She also wondered if I have a guru. I responded that I don’t have one particular guru. Everything that is not made my human hands is my teacher and every single day is a gift to move closer to yourself, an opportunity to delve deeper and touch the root where all things are connected. _/I\_