Thursday, September 30, 2010

more sweeteners

I taste life's song in my tongue, echoing against the hills of yearning. I see her dances in the eyes of every human being I come in contact with. Oh, how delicious, dear friend? How delicious is this existence when you're here! How sweet! Beloved friend: Do we still need more sweeteners in our foods, when life herself is so sweet? Do we, dear friend?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Oh Heart

Oh heart! This moment I feel like a firefly hovering and dancing around you all my glowing at night, all my splendor is not to pay back for your beauty. It is only to reflect your elegance into the dark

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Come fill me

I am
A vessel
clean and empty
and I don't have stories to tell.
Come fill me beloved one.

Come fill me with your light.

Monday, September 27, 2010

If you're hungry for the sea

If you're really, truly hungry for the sea
Don't spatter the water
by the shore and frighten the quails;
Delve into the sea and lose your mind
in the core of your longing,
into the heart of your calling.
Taste, this burning, this nectar of love
with your soul's tongue.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

All your life

when you
Connect with the ancient longing,
the ancient music,
that is you,
when you
Remove your gloves and feel the earth's heartbeat,
that is you,
trees would shake off the dew
from their branches and smile back.
The tigers in the forest become your companions.
They would offer you to ride on their backs.
Mountains move in and out with your breath
The sky swaddles you in his wings
like your mom did when you were child.
You become that child again.
You're here as well as everywhere.
Swimming with the fish, in the coral reefs
or on the moutaintop, dancing with the winds
You would look around
and say to yourself:
Where have my worries gone?
Where has my fear gone?
where have my problems gone?
You see?
this is the beauty
you have been looking for
all your life.
This is the beauty.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tell me

If I say I am in love,
People won't understand me.
If I say I am drank,
The police would issue me a ticket.
If I say I am on fire,

They would call the firefighters.
If I shut up and mind my own business
I don't have any business
More important than you.
Tell me what to say, dear one.
Tell me.

Monday, September 20, 2010


What words can tell this beauty
when you're in this garment, dear friend?
What words?
But when you stand naked, fully naked,

the sun herself would envy you.
The moon cannot look at you for
your radiance would dazzle her eyes.
The sky would come down
to spread himself beneath your feet
when you stand fully naked.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

These eyes

You tell me, most beloved one

What I can do with these eyes.

It matters not if I keep them wide open or shut;

I cannot stop you from entering.

Like rain enters rocks that are cracked

This entrance causes so much ruins.

Superficial borders are dismantled

and boundaries are crushed.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


is what happens:
The very moment
You promote your grief into a heap of joy
Existence starts to clap her hands and 
 The daisies in the yard of your soul
begin to bloom.
Innocent tears from your eyes
wash down all your sorrow!
Ahhh! what freedom!

Monday, September 13, 2010

The harp

So much happens around me
They shove me
They rock me
They pull and push me.
They scream and shout at me
To get my attention.
Most beautiful one
How can I hear anything else right now
When you play the harp in side me?

Friday, September 10, 2010

saffron smile

All forms
Solid and seemingly
indestructible structures
enter the womb of time and dissolve.
And as if they've never existed, we forget all about them,
even the dust they left behind never tells a story.

for me in this moment
Nothing is more seducing, more fragrant
Than the saffron smile in your eyes.

The way a hint of butter
Enters a bowl of soup
The way light enters the day
I want to enter you and dissolve.

Friday, September 3, 2010

If at all

If at all
I have shared something
that has touched the petals in your heart;
that has brought you to a place of silence
that has reminded you of your own wings
You've long forgotten;
It is only inspired by this vastness of light
and grand beauty that
we all breath every day.
And this fragrance desires to fulfill
herself through us.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The union

While driving on highway 100, homeward last night. I heard a voice and looked up. the sky was birthing another full-grown sky. It was too large to see, too large to reach,  too deep to comprehend. The birthing was total and complete! The Silence was intense. It was not the silence that comes with a breakdown of a vacuum cleaner. It was the silence that is born when the sky is wedded to the earth, when hearts melt in love. Shreds of dark clouds race across mindlessly. Stripes of white cloud sailed freely. Stars blinked, emerged and vanished again as if playing peekaboo. Winds blew rapidly from one corner to another. These did not bother the silence of the sky. None of these seemed to worry her at all. She was just a watcher. She watched all the comings and the goings without getting involved, without judging or commenting. . As I watched this, something magical, something indescribable happened. The distance between the sky and where I stood dissolved. The separation between the sky and I no longer existed. I lost all my sense. The sky herself disappeared eventually and I disappeared too. Only this huge space, only this vast silence sang unbroken and uninterrupted. The union the heart yearns for has arrived.