Saturday, March 14, 2015

like a lion

A tree dies into the earth
to become a sweet, fertile soil.
Just like this, there are days 
when we need a different
kind of courage, like the one we've
not seen before,
such as

A tree dies into the earth
to become a sweet, fertile soil.
Just like this, there are days 
when we need a different
kind of courage, like the one we've
not seen before,
such as roaring like a lion
or surging like a waterfall -
or setting fire to anything
you are holding onto
such as reasons and beliefs
or accumulated fear or doubt---
so that you can come to a place
of true celebration
where you can dissolve into
a ferociously true love, your 
primordial, embodied
self bursting with ever-pouring
sunshine and innocence

or surging like a waterfall -
or setting fire to anything
you are holding onto
such as reasons and beliefs
or accumulated fear or doubt---
so that you can come to a place
of true celebration
where you can dissolve into
a ferociously true love, your 
primordial, embodied
self bursting with ever-pouring
sunshine and innocence

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