Wednesday, December 1, 2010

the mind's chatter

How perfectly we merge
into eachothers furrows...
how our presence heals deep, wide wounds,
Stops the mind's chatter.
This beauty of intelligent design
stops the mind's chatter.
like serene books sitting on the shelves,
like pebbles in the beach, like berries on trees...
How sacred is this knowing of oneness!
how my hills divinely fit into your gorges,
my firmness into your tender tissues..
there is more than enough space in the heart, for all of us.
how my sorrows bore into your soul moving you into awakening...
stops the mind's chatter.

this love where your wings are also mine,
this love that spills perfume into your heart
crosses thousand bridges and stops the mind's chatter.
You know, dear one,
we are not just the building tools for a house
we're the light, the life essence and the music
filling every corner of the house.
the entire mountain is made of tiny grains called love.
we are those grains, dear friend, holding the mountain.
we are the blocks and the mud holding a house together.
your beauty my friend, your beauty stops the mind's chatter.

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