Thursday, September 2, 2010

The union

While driving on highway 100, homeward last night. I heard a voice and looked up. the sky was birthing another full-grown sky. It was too large to see, too large to reach,  too deep to comprehend. The birthing was total and complete! The Silence was intense. It was not the silence that comes with a breakdown of a vacuum cleaner. It was the silence that is born when the sky is wedded to the earth, when hearts melt in love. Shreds of dark clouds race across mindlessly. Stripes of white cloud sailed freely. Stars blinked, emerged and vanished again as if playing peekaboo. Winds blew rapidly from one corner to another. These did not bother the silence of the sky. None of these seemed to worry her at all. She was just a watcher. She watched all the comings and the goings without getting involved, without judging or commenting. . As I watched this, something magical, something indescribable happened. The distance between the sky and where I stood dissolved. The separation between the sky and I no longer existed. I lost all my sense. The sky herself disappeared eventually and I disappeared too. Only this huge space, only this vast silence sang unbroken and uninterrupted. The union the heart yearns for has arrived.

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