Sunday, March 11, 2012

You're on your way

You may know some times
and sometimes you may know
But you're on your way.
with each step you take
you make poems within poems
you are peeling banana within banana.
because you know the deeper
you move the sweeter it becomes.
So you keep moving.
On your way a snake stops you.
he blocks your way.
You look at him and smile with all your eyes and face,
the snake suddenly loses his venom and says to you:
May the light inside you guide your way!
May music follow you wherever you want to go!
You keep going. You cross the sea of thought
you cross the field of fear and worries.
You look around with a brand new eyes.
Then you want to sit there and relax.
Something very beautiful overtakes you.
It feels so damn good here!
even before you stretch your hands
you touch the face of God.
You feel her-his gentle hands in yours.
You ask her -him"Why is it so good to be here?
she-he looks at you with tender sweet eyes and would say:
here is where you started your journey.
You are home now.

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