Monday, July 26, 2010

What are you doing to me?

I am so drank
on the sweetness of your eyes, beloved one
And I no longer know what I am doing
For whatever I do, you’re the doer.
You're the wings of the sun
and I am the feather.
You're my water.
I fill my glass with you and drink you
and quench my thirst.
Some days I drink you right from the rain
And some days from the ground.
Does it matter, how I drink you?
You are the sunlight
And I am a flower. I raise myself from the ground
to reach your lips.
When you turn to a mountain,
I become a rock in your heart.
Then you’re the ocean and I become a stream
flowing towards you, always, flowing towards you. Flowing.
You see beloved one,
all I am doing is to get closer to you. Closer to you,
closer to you, closer to you.

There are times, most beautiful one
when I get lost in my daily rounds,
When interruption happens between you and I
Like fish out of water,
the body exhausts and disintegrates
and I forget that I am breathing,
I forget that I am singing in the heart.
and I come home to find you.
You surprise me: You're always there for me.
You rest your hands on my face
and the body heals again! The mind heals again
Then your lips bring drunkenness
to my heart.
Oh beloved one
What are you doing to me?

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