Saturday, January 9, 2010

Love is a secret business

Beloved friend:
Love is a secret business, have I already said this?
When you connect with chocolate
Don’t crush it between your jaws and send it down your throat
Instead hold it in the tender part of your tongue and
Be still.
I tell my neighbors that I go for a walk

Twice a day or three times or four times… a day
The truth is I went out
TO caress the ground with my feet

Dear friend:
Love is a secret business.
Don’t brag when you talk about love
When the drum and the drummer meet
They don’t make noise. They make music.
When the heart dreams of love
The head drifts into a deepest state of sleep.
When the right hand gives,
The left hand would not notice it at all.

Dear friend:
Love is a secret business.

1 comment:

  1. Guthema my friend: I am going through some of the poems I missed over the holiday break, starting with this one. Your words are precious and written with so much compassion and love for the world. It shows in every sentence.

    Someday I hope you will publish these in a collection. People need hope, and you have so much to give.
