Dear friend:- You're here finally and I bow to the one that brought you here. You're here because you chose to be here at this time. You're here to celebrate beauty through words we speak, through deep silence. We might call them poetry or songs or chants. It does not matter what we call them. What matters most is you're here. These words come through us like flowers come through plants, like the rains pour from the sky. May we all become the light we spread, the beauty we speak. Blessings.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
it does not know otherwise
Because the heart
does not participate
in the stories and
dramas the mind
continues to weave,
it remains pure and
innocent and vaster than anything
you can ever imagine –
it holds eternity
inside itself
and can see and feel with
more clarity
and precision.
it has the capacity
to simply see
the present reality
without judgment
or blame,
without interpretation
or distortion-
it can love without
doubt or fear because
it does not know
fire moving through you
As a being
You have the strength
to relax even when
you move through fire.
It is not you, moving
through fire –
It is the fire moving
through you
to discover
itself more
your old baggage
Don’t bring your
old baggage
into a new
of your life –
leave it on
the door.
Why do
You bother to
Touch whatever
Wants to bloom
when left alone?
if you cannot
walk away from
what can make
your soul dry,
to it.
Saturday, May 27, 2017
most eloquent language
when existence
wants to express herself
in the most eloquent language,
she gently tickles you and
you burst into laughter and
everyone around you starts
laughing without knowing why.
the highest goal
of human evolution
is emptiness -
this will eventually
invite peace
to complete itself
deep inside
your heart.
you're at peace
at the end,
your desire
for victory
falls way and
your need
to be right
dissolves –
you are
at peace.
heart brokenness, anger,
confusion ---- take over when
what has just happened
is not what you’ve expected -
the heart is broken
when there is no
flexibility, when you
already decide
how things should be –
heartbrokenness is
not the breaking
of the heart itself –
it is a pain in the physical
body caused by our
the awakened heart
is very compassionate
but it does not break anymore.
It is open and porous
and there is no wall built
around it --
and can allows all things
to move through it.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
mystery inside your eyes
It is not a day
that is bad or good –
It is not someone that
is bad or good –
It is you for there is no
someone out there –
tell me if you look
at one but perceive many?
If you look at what is eternal
but can only see what is
tell dear one,
how is your heart-pulsation
right now?
how do you feel close
to the mystery
inside your eyes
that you don’t see
but smell its perfume?
gaze inside
You might
long night and day
to be with
a friend who
understands you
whose single glance
can ignite fire
inside your chest -
and you wait longer than
your initial plan,
hoping something
will reveal itself
someday but
your commitment
my dear friend,
your strength
to gaze inside
and to stay with
your own heart
makes creation
your being
when something in your life
goes terribly wrong, say,
you lose your voice one day
before your speaking engagement
or someone very close to your heart
dies on your wedding day ---
it is normal for the mind to freak out.
if you kindly look inside, nothing
actually went wrong.
only something happened
that is not in your mind, something
that you are not ready for.
most things in this world are
relative. Only one thing is
of absolute importance. That is
not a thing. It is your being.
it is your inner intelligence, the
ground out of which life grows.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
my new silence
you can say
so much.
you can write
so much
but dear one
I am in love with
what you've not
uttered yet.
enter the
of my new
this great force
is a universal song
a very contagious energy –
like a soft wildfire,
it clears everything
in the way,
like water
everything it touches
become awakened, animated,
refined and transformed –
it does not shout. It does not run.
it does not control.
It does not choose nor does
it claim ownership.
It moves with grace and leaves
no footprint.
how is it possible to
contain this
great force inside
one person.
sacred within
the willingness
to empty yourself
on a regular basis
allows you to catch up
with the flow of life
and come closer
to the sacred
within you.
river of laughter
Life without laughter
is a prison
and you know my dear companion
how the ego wants to take
itself very seriously.
so dear one,
wherever you are and whatever
you are doing right now,
whether you are at work
or whether you are in hospital,
whether you are waiting for
a friend at a coffee shop or
if you're walking your dog
in your neighborhood ------
make sure a river of laughter
is flowing inside all of these -
honey in your heart
in human nature
there is endless curiosity
to go out and study
the world –
to cross the deserts
and hike the mountains
and dive into deep forests ---
and yet after all these adventures
there is still restlessness
and dissatisfaction and
the feeling of loneliness ---
This is just because
you have not yet
dived into yourself
to experience the garden
within you. You have
not yet noticed the honey
in your heart
waiting to be tasted and
explored and devoured.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
the unconscious
to forgive yourself
for the damage you might have
caused someone in the past
means to realize that
what had really caused the harm
is not you.
It is rather the
manifested in you -
it is a region in you
that did not know
the secret sunshine
If the only gift
we can give
each other
is our presence,
our pure innocence,
the hidden love song
the secret sunshine
inside our heart,
the world will
be healed and
on Awakening
A question for a friend goes like this –
Sir, I’ve a question for you –
In your daily life, how do you interact with people who are not awake? I mean, how do you deal with them? Please share your insight.
Once you’re awake, your interest to judge and blame dissolves. You don’t avoid those who are not awake. Awakening is not the absence of sleep. It is the capacity in which all are accepted. In fact being continuously tested and challenged by those who still identify with their mental noise can deepen your awakening. Blessings.
is hindrance
to happiness.
If you cannot drop it
completely from
your everyday life,
at least minimize it –
birds sing not because
they expect a grammy award -
they sing because that
is what they enjoy with
all of their heart.
Monday, May 22, 2017
new dimension
The feeling of
pain and
suffering is
a pointer that
something has to
change from within -
your old dimension
has to go and the
new dimension
has to emerge.
Saturday, May 20, 2017
gloves on your hands
tell me dear friend,
if you’ve ever touched
someone’s depth with
gloves on your hands?
It is only when the noise
in your head quiets down,
can flowers grow
in your heart.
unheard music
the unexpected
with awareness ---
that can be
the path,
entry door
into your heart –
where there is
a secret song
of the beloved –
unheard music.
is not somewhere
to go in the future -
it is not outside of
your daily routine -
it is washing the dishes,
being available
to a child,
going for a walk,
having a conversation
with a friend -----
Thursday, May 18, 2017
the first thing
the first thing
is to listen,
not just with your
ears but with all
of your being
and let this be
your everyday practice -
the secret of life
will open herself to you
like your own palm
and a new world
will be born out of
the womb of you
pure presence.
too small for you
The world
that can be accessed
only through
your five senses
is too small for you -
move beyond.
perfume of true love
the perfume of
true love penetrates
and the heart flowers,
all your apprehensions
and concerns become
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
endlessly translucent
is what we’ve learned.
It is not our nature.
organic brain is
endlessly translucent
to allow what
comes and goes -
no shaken enough
When a storm
comes your way
and leaves without
shaking you up
and touching
something deep
inside you,
when it departs without
leaving a perfume
that tickles you
and opens your heart,
you are not
shaken enough.
to live without fear
in simple words
to be courageous means
to live without fear and regret,
to love without doubt
and to laugh no matter
what happens –
this is how my love
for you is ancient
and infinite, my precious
friend -
when someday your inner
and outer life decide
to marry each other,
I will be the first one
Who arrives to witness
this joy and to be
your best-man.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
calm your mind
dear one,
do you wait
for God to
come and visit you?
isn’t he/she already
inside of you as
Isn’t he/she
singing in
your heart
every time
you learn
how to
calm your mind.
fierce clarity
Being kind
to yourself
begins when,
instead of living
blindly, you start
seeing with fierce
clarity ---
instead of following
the mob, you look inside
and follow the hints
sent to you from your
inner-most guidance.
same sweet eyes
blossom and erupt into infinite
blessing not because you’ve
known each other for years.
It is because the foundation
is vast enough to hold
all of you including
everyone around you.
when this happens,
each one of you
will have natural capacity
to look at each other
with the same sweet
eyes God looked
at you.
Monday, May 15, 2017
the only game
If the only game
we play is
and curving and
into love
again and again ---
whatever we
touch becomes a
a living shrine -
we become
in the center
of all centers
around which
everything rotates.
It is a music
when you
speak in a
present tense –
all other tenses
don’t have perfume.
they have only
wild river
I used to be hungry
and thirsty all the time
until one day I stumbled
into an endless gold quarry
hidden beneath my ribs
and a wild river coursing
inside every single
cell in my body -
between many lives
Our body
is a flower
bursting forth
from the ground
to spread its
fragrance –
it carries
us between
many lives
bringing messages
from the inner
to the outer -
your rough sides
can start
making sense to you
only when you
become one with it.
When you vanish
into its infinity, you cannot
be serious anymore.
because it softens
your stubbornness
and polishes
your rough sides
It is easy for you
to laugh and sing
and play like a child,
to be drunk with
its wine and you
don’t want to be
sober again.
you're truly
yourself and
fiercely free
and unafraid .
awakening question
the most expanding
and awakening question
is not whether
Jesus loves you or not.
it is whether you
you accept and love
yourself exactly as
you are.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
bursting into light
There are days
you lack the strength
even to open your
eyes and look inside
and recognize
the light within you -
so you start
feeling weak and small.
The sense of great
inadequacy takes over,.
Great fear takes over and
you hide behind things for your
safety and protection.
Then a friend comes
from no where
and sings on your behalf
and speaks of your
ancient beauty and
this song penetrates
you and arouses
your heart and empowers
you and wakes you up
and you remember again
who are you and you
start singing again.
You start bursting
into light again.
You start dancing
your worries
If your worries
cannot stop an ounce
of whatever wants
to happen
nor can it
change what has
already happened,
why do you choose
to waste your energy
this way?
why don’t you
just sing?
The world of duality
teaches us how to be
patient with everything –
how to dance with great
majesty between
day and night,
laughter and sorrow,
birth and death ---
without clinging
to any of them
for they passing
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
the sacred inside us
Our approaches
might be different –
but I each of us are
trying our best to remember
we’re breathing –
each day our deepest
desire is to come closer
to the sacred inside
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
In the end
the cows will come home
and merge with their calves –
and all your knowledge and
Images and ideas about love
and even your faint memories
of the past will fall away like an old
garment and only love remains.
from here, you can have a good
glimpse of what it means to be
whole and eternal.
you may not still have
the answers to the basic
questions of life.
you will taste the mystery
of life directly.
You become one with life.
you are life.
the fire in your chest
does not wait for
the wind anymore.
It will have an energy
to ignite itself.
deep labor
Hard times
Can shake us
up and bring great
energy shift -
there can be
so much
pain in this -
human beings
go into deep labor
to give birth
to God.
what does not work
tell me
which road can take
you to a place of your
deep longing without the
light in your heart?
tell me which bird has ever
flown with her wings closed?
only when we drop
what does not work,
only when we return
to our sanity,
we can grow wings
and soar.
Monday, May 8, 2017
some say no
some say no
to mean yes
some say yes
to mean no.
I dance between
winter and the
spring –
I want to say
cannot be said
in words.
It becomes
a mystery
ready to
enter the silence
of a stone -
a rosebud
ready to
split open
and merge
with its own
fragrance -
Saturday, May 6, 2017
One of the
Most rarest gifts
we’re given is the body.
It is a sacred logo
by which we’re locally known
to those around us –
the same way a cup holds
a holy wine, the body
holds the perfume of God –
when we don’t identify with it,
when we honor and love it,
it can be a great companion,
a fragrant orchard
pulsating with mystery,
an entry gate into what
is heavenly and timeless.
Thursday, May 4, 2017
does not want
to be stored in
a memory box –
It loves its infinite
like fresh rain
gushing forth
from the sacred breast
of eternity –
its majesty to
spread healing and
its intelligence
to turn suffering into
a vast field
of roses.
since its very nature
is to give itself
freely, it also
does not want
to be owned by
anyone or anything –
wherever it finds
itself, it is sovereign,
for no force can
divide its omnipresence.
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Just for a minute
Just for a minute
why don’t you calm
your mind and
everything that seems
to be blurry and unclear
will surrender to your heart.
mystery will be your
close friend, walls will
turn themselves into
and there will be nothing
that you cannot
your presence
Without your presence,
the universe would stay
inside a seed without
choosing to manifest itself –
this is to say
the universe
is the fulfillment of your
song of your awakened
heart and it is
continuously woven
into perfection out of
your own in-breath-out- breath –
when the heart is touched
deeply, the light and
the fire that ignites
inside us makes the
eagles blink and
mountains smile.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
how to be one with everyone else
It is
by loving who
we’re completely
with all of our heart
and with all of our mind
that we start learning
how to be one with
everyone else.
the seed
everything is beautiful
and innocent
when seen with the eyes
of deep knowing
but nothing is so majestic
and shockingly holy
as your own emptiness,
the seed that you
secretly carry inside
of your heart.
Monday, May 1, 2017
your inner growth
you cannot accelerate
your inner growth -
You only need to
prepare the ground for it.
You need to be open
and receptive in all
dimension of your life
and whatever is not true
for you must go -
it is not enough to
to be warm-hearted.
It is not enough to be on fire.
you need to be fire itself.
if there are more beings
around you whose fire
is more intense than yours,
you can join with them
and together you can
burn a forest of
body and mind
seeing yourself
not as body and mind
but as the light
of the pulsating universe,
not as one who’s constantly
starving for love but as a divine
essence, that is the
eternal fountain of love –
the intelligence that continuously
weaves love out of nothingness ---
that is the beginning of kindness
towards yourself and
everyone else.
you're the one
the one the entire
cosmos has been waiting for.
Now that you are here,
when are you going
to start dancing?
hidden wholeness
In the society
that is too busy
to know its true nature,
poetry is not a luxury –
It is a holy wine to open
your heart and empty you
from all of your concerns
so that the moonlight coming
through your window
can touch something
deeper and tickle your
beautiful eyes –
that simply experience is
capable of awakening
the hidden wholeness
within you.
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