Wednesday, October 15, 2014

forget your concerns

I am a vast field
from where all opinions
have withdrawn -
come dear one
forget your concerns
and dissolve here –
I will hold you
the way dawn
holds her deep silence
Inside her womb.

the smallest insect

Everyone and everything
you come in contact with–
let your tenderness
touch them deeply.
They have the same dreams
and longings as you –
the smallest insect
in the planet
throbs with the
perfume of God.
in the planet
throbs with the
perfume of God.

this flitting world

this flitting world
there is the one
that remains here
and lasts forever –
there is the one
that glows with
unshakable faith -
when you want
to curl up and
cry because
your burden is
heavy –

ordinary relationship

When there is no resistance,
fear or control or personal
agenda ---
even an ordinary relationship
with another human being
can take you to the deepest core
of your essence
Where everything
Is indivisibly holy
and dignified.

you are busy planning

you are busy planning,
working on details
and designing outlines
all your life,
you cannot see what
life is planning and
designing for you

human drama

you commit yourself
to your beliefs, politics or
any human drama,
you've just broken your
relationship with
your heart -
you walked away from
from the one who wants
to hug you when you are cold.

The light of the world

what does
poetry mean to you?
a friend asks.
what does breathing
mean to you?
I say.
and I continue
to sing of beauty
and of love and
of sweetness
you have not tasted yet ----
in the morning and
in the afternoon too
and before midnight
and a week from now - -
until you fully
remember yourself,
my dear friend,
as the light
of the world.

soft moonlight

life has already
flooded you
with infinite love
and there is nothing
to desire out side this
and every single
moment is not short
of true celebration -
say it Christmas, Eid al-Fitr
or thanksgiving ---
the moment you
get up from your
sleep, start
practicing goodness
and breath a soft
moonlight into
all things you
walk by -

the nature of your mind

 without judgement
or criticism -

 Look deeply
into the nature of your
mind and the stories
it continues to tell you -
something very profound
reveals itself to you
and an organic relationship
with life begins
here -

the creation and the creator

I know, you are trying
to be normal -
inwardly, what you truly
are is unutterable wonder
and the mind cannot discuss it
in the symposiums.
if you look at yourself
with the eyes that are
free from previous experience,
you can touch all the creations
and the creator
inside of you as the
altar of oneness-

you're here and everywhere

Find the courage to drop
any identification
with a location, a place or your
thought or your physical form
and you are no longer
Chinese or American or Senegalese –
You’ve grown vaster and deeper.
Then you are here and everywhere
and whatever you see and
whatever you hear –
Is happening inside of you
You are the universe, my friend,
breath of the cosmos -
You are the earth and the
Sky and the ocean
experiencing everything
directly as they come to you.

stay with the one

with the one
whose fragrance
to turn you on -
who is never
intimidated by the
brilliance of
your light.

God is tickling you

remember to smile
no matter what happens -
God is tickling you
Continuously -

I am the stem

After reading my poetry
Some people conclude
that I am a Sufi
while some others want to
believe that I am a Zen Buddhist or
a Christian mystic or
a Shaman --- based on their
Past experience.
Conclusions are usually
Drawn from the past.
But if they were to ask
me directly, this would
be my answer –
All of these religions
are branches of my
body and soul
while I am the stem and
the roots that holds and
supports them.


allowing someone
to see things differently
from the way we do
is a true understanding.
Today, more than ever before
the world needs
Prime ministers and policy makers
and political leaders and
priests and school teachers ----
who are willing to look
deeply within and recognize
this stunning beauty inside
all things and everyone.

the capacity to forgive

The capacity
to forgive or the willingness
to dance or sing ---
arises from the
beloved shining and
throbbing in your chest
as yourself.

constant meditation

the one who's struggling in you
and return to the light
of your innocence.
life becomes a constant meditation
and every tender movement
becomes an offering -

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

tender aliveness

and tender aliveness
is your natural quality
that opens up your entire
being and all the organs
in your body
to whatever wants to
express itself

simple truth

he naked
and simple truth this -
you are not made of flesh
and bone -
you are made of
flashing beams of light
and every single atom
in your body tingles
with blissful dance of life and
supreme intelligence.

deep passion

When you
look at something
with deep passion
and immense tenderness,
It becomes organic.
Love transforms
all things into beings.

being kind

Being kind
does not just mean
to be nice to someone.
it is also to be kind
to yourself, to eat the food
that nourishes the body and the soul and the
the willingness eat without watching
TV or reading papers -
the courage to be fully available to life,
the readiness to be grateful
each day inside each moment

inner goldmine

don't hesitate
to follow the
direction of
your breath -
you into
heart ,
the inner

a brilliant light

When you tell
Your child to be
like another child
next door or at school,
your child will ignore
a brilliant light in his heart
and goes out in the street
to pick up a broken lamp
left by someone else -

the heart of the cosmos

is supremely
delicious movement
inside the great
mystery of life –
because everything is
gracefully interwoven,
with a person
or an object or
an animal
can be one way
of touching
the heart of
the cosmos -

Organic beauty

Organic beauty
is freedom
from seeking attention -
Peonies are such sweet flowers
you can ever imagine -
Do they care whether you
stop and look at them
or smell them?
When you simply notice the infinite delight
and depth of your inner beauty
you are no longer a lonely individual
trying hard to survive-
you become a place of great unification
and your very heart becomes
a destination and merging of
heightened bliss

source of life

merging with the
source of life
is fearless and complete,
you stop doubting
and start dancing

spring of existence

True courage
Is not to go fight
in the war –
It is the willingness
to drop the part of you
that does not grow leaves
and bloom in the spring
of existence -

shopping malls and highways

even surrounded with
shopping malls and highways
laughter is possible -
enlightenment is possible -
it only requires to slow down
and notice the subtle energy
underlying all things -
and after all enlightenment
is not something to achieve
nor it is an altered state -
it is the return to what
already shines -
it is the going back of the
raindrops into the sea
singing -

What Am I

 Closing your eyes
begin your day with the following pointer

What Am I
When I am without fear
When I am without thought
When I am without concepts?
What I am
When I am without worries? ---------
Then you will notice
the ocean opening up
and rising
beneath your ribs –
dissolve into
that opening now
and vanish completely
and fearlessly.
You will feel
your entire body
pulsing with the
highest concentration
of divine energy

Be still

Be still
hold a piece of
stone in your hand
or touch a tree trunk - -
this will take you
to a place of great
that three thousand years
of research and learning
could take you.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

center of the center

You are not the state
of mind -
You are the station
where the trains of
existence come and go –
your location is
not on the map -
it is inside the center
of the center
pulsating with
sweet music


The courage to enter
this moment is the most
responsible and intimate way of
joining with the force of creation ,
with your heartfire -



When the mind
Stops thinking for a minute,
You become a rosebud, an
Innocent flower, free from
worry and tension -
Because you have touched
a place where true elegance
can be fully experienced.
you have become a rainbow
bridge and entered
the heart -
you are home.

no matter how hard you work

No matter how
hard you work
and how savagely
you try -
you cannot be
more beautiful
than now.

there is no single being

There is no
Single being or form
Or body that is not
ripped open
by the power
of love –
Even seemingly
Solid, opaque and
impenetrable physical
form can be an entry
into infinite splendor
and laughter –

inner goldmine

 don't hesitate
to follow the
direction of
your breath -
you into
heart ,
the inner

let sorrow surrender

its robe
to the moon-aroma
in your
burning eyes -
you cannot cut
cabbage with
a dull knife -
is only a temporary
withdrawal from
the ocean of life –

your insecurty

I am like a willow tree -
I flow and sing and twirl
in the raging wind -
storm can only kiss me and
intensify my elasticity.
what is true and
intrinsically authentic
cannot be shattered.
if there is a fountain of
light above you

 and below you and
to your left and
to your right
and inside of you ---
where does
your insecurty
come from?

absolute aliveness

and absolute aliveness
is your natural quality
that opens up your entire
being and all the organs
in your body
to whatever wants to
express itself –

healing herb

Be a healing
herb for your
brother’s pain.
Remember that
what you are
is larger than
what makes you
contract with fear -
You are where
you come from
in the freshness of
the morning and
where you return
when the evening


the distance

The distance
between you and
true happiness
is only illusion -
drop your doubt and
join with the one
that fills your eyes
with sweet light
and your heart
with songs -

out of each other

We all have grown out of
each other and when we melt
into the beauty of this heart,
we become one family –

sacred oneness

if you
approach the sacred
oneness with ideas
and theology
you cannot find it
and you think
it is missing.


don't tell your body

don't tell your body
what it must do-
Listen to it's
ancient wisdom,
to its endless songs
and poetry -
it will show you
how to stop
worrying and love
deeply –

doorway to the unknown

The one
who has not known
himself as a doorway
into the unknown and untouched -
as an infinite source of
glistening light ---
He is in great poverty
and always looking
for something.

source of life force

There is a source of life force
Constantly creating and renewing
and pulsating and ever expanding –
within you - -
When this is fully recognized*
you encourage the world around you
to shine like the sun –

*recognize from latin word cognoscere,
meaning “ to know”, to know again.

your copy

Your copy can easily be
out of light,
clarity and fragrance -
please return
to your origin
where nothing is


By repeating the name
of God a million times a day,
you cannot be saintly
until you are ready
to throw yourself
on the warm feet of
the beloved –

married to life

I am married
to life for so very very
long now and am
still insanely in love
with her -

her sweet warm heart

In some African lakes
It is said that
there are fish family
Who swallow their children
When they smell danger
Around them
and then Spit them out
into the water
when it is safe again –
isn’t that way
existence has always
wrapped her sweet,
warm heart around us

the energy to burn

 you are
the fire as well
as the energy to burn
any hindrance preventing
you from entering
your inner eloquence.

honey hidden inside you

You've become a falcon and soared
beyond thought and
thinking and explanation of events
does not help you any more -
what you really need
it is to be still and dissolve
into what can rip you open,
what can grab your entire
being and bring you to your
supreme state, to the honey
hidden inside of you –

eyes of love

when you see
with the eyes of love,
you will notice for the
first time and to your great
surprise how
all things are deeply connected
and irresistibly beautiful.

the ability to transmit joy

It is a liberating
to know that the innate
capacity to laugh and to sing
and to swim in the exquisite sea
of bliss,
the ability to transmit joy
and ecstasy and pure delight
is our true state.

same language

I've seen
people who speak
the same language
and worship the same God
and whose cows drink from the
same river ----
whose horses run on the
same field ----
but what is the point
if they cannot understand
each other and fight
over a piece of land?
my friend, life does not
want you to pose for her -
she does not want pretension -
she does not want diplomacy
she wants you to rise beyond
your little self and vanish
into wonder –



can take your speech
away and bring you to a place
where you cannot utter
a single word.

rising and falling

I was not
serious about anything in particular
nor had a desire to be at any place –
I was just following the rising and
falling of my ribs,
the incoming and outgoing of my
breath when I stumbled into
a beloved friend also called radiance.



can be a like
a bubble on the
surface of a water -
it obscures your
true nature.

the physical world

The physical world
as well as the world
beyond this world
are always in deep conversation
like a baby in a womb has never felt
separate from its mother –
how do you tell your self
that you are alive?
by loving and loving
very deeply –