Friday, August 22, 2014

Complete goodness

Look at yourself with
Complete goodness,
Without past or future
Without judgment -
there is no fault to find
and what you are is not
Separate from a flower,
or the ocean roar
or the sun bursting upon
the face of the sky
or delicious running waters

the universe is not serious

Is a wardrobe
that is too small
for you to fit in –
It makes your muscles
tight and limits
your clarity and barricades
your flowing and diminishes
your spontaneity –
as far as I know
God does not frown
and the universe is not
serious -
do you remember
which store sold it
to you?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

the way you are

The way
you are now
is the most beautiful
expression of existence –
and whatever you want or wish to
be other than this is an illusion -

we turn to poetry

when the smallest
of the smallest
the most despicable and
invisible, holds inside
her the entire universe,
we turn to metaphors
and poetry and dance
and music---
how else can we speak
of this love!

superior gift

Love has no
superior gift for you
other than itself –
It is the light
in your eyes and
you cannot see it -
it is the music in your
laughter and you cannot
hear it -
it is the dance in your flowing
and you cannot feel it -
it hides in your being
breathing sweet fire into you –
dear friend,
it is not dawn yet
and brilliance is by your door
to wake you up
and marry you.
don’t hesitate.

your financial goal

Even when you think
you’ve reached
your financial goal
and buy your first house
or mary the person you’ve
loved -
you are going to be unsatisfied
because life’s goal is not
to reach anywhere or
to achieve something –
It is to give up the need
to know the future -
to find hidden meanings
in our everyday experiences -
to notice that our beauty is
more powerful than the walls
that have stood between us -

experience it directly

When I say
your beauty is so
Immense and so vast
that it cannot be touched
with explanations and dictionary
which i say it more often,
It is not because
I want you to believe
What I say,
It is because I want
you to smell this aroma
yourself and experience it


you are no longer
ashamed of yourself,
the sun emerges from
 behind the clouds
to dissolve into you -
how is it possible for anyone
to make love without
merging as one

what is inherently one

When people start saying
This place is holy
And that place is not –
This person is sacred
That that person is not –
They are judging and dividing
what is inherently one -

utmost kindness

at how water flows –
even when it moves over
the most savage surface
It does not struggle. It touches
every fold of the ground with
utmost kindness –
stop struggling and flow -
Love will find its

way into your being,

I do not know anymore

I do not know
any more -
and the more I don’t know
I move closer to the heart of life
and I have nothing to fight
and defeat –
I am free –
What a relief!

Monday, August 18, 2014


Is the ocean of kindness –
It grabs us
gently and brings us
together inside
this place of pure rest.

what goes in the news

You are not
what you experience
or what goes in the news -
You are the pathway
to the Infinite -
the endless oceans.

thirty thousand steps

Take thirty thousand steps
inwardly –
there is a path that
takes you to the regions
of laughter –
A lion roars with deep
confidence and harmony –
your angelic state continues
to call you –
it is a true lover
who is never disappointed –
because she – he accepts
and embraces all –
and no more running from
the crowd ~

walk slowly today

walk slowly today
and everyday and
see with clarity
and listen
the sun in your heart
is whispering to you –
dear one
come closer and
let's make love-


Healing does not happen
by avoiding "bad" news
and chasing only "good" news -
nor through medication or
the mental construct.
the mind is incomplete and
it needs healing
for itself -
true healing can happen
when the heart is wide open
to whatever emerges
without judgement or resistance,
the courage to allow things
to be what they exactly are -

scent of life

I’ve become
Intoxicated even
before I drunk wine
from your hand–
When you sing of the
ancient one,
birds gather on your
window to listen –
when I look at how your entire
being burns for the love of
the beloved,
I also turn into a blazing bonfire –
There is nothing I want now
other than being closer
to the scent of life, to
my own heart -
precious one
allow me to wash your
feet tonight.

state of illumination

does it matter
what language
you speak?
does it matter
what religious background
you have?
does it matter what tribe
you belong to?
only the path of love
can take you to the deepest
state of illumination
where you can have innocent
and intense seduction
with the beloved

what you've experienced

Not what
you've learned,
tell us what
what elegance
has the sun
into your
what is the thing that
removed your worry
and open your heart?
what makes you
speechless in the middle
of a thousand languages?

concrete wall

total dissolving
into goodness
requires the removal
of a concrete wall
built by the age
of reason

as much as you can

as much as you can
expose yourself to love.
let every organ in your
body drink from its delight -
let every cell in your
being know it.

a costume you wear

is nota costume
you wear to  an event –
It is not a religion your parents
give you –
It is not philosophy or metaphysics.
It is a brilliant light blended with
liquid, ancient aliveness
eternally flowing
in your being.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

sweet destruction

when you are about
to drift into a state of a deep sleep
the sea flows through your fingers
and you get destructed.
what a sweet destruction!
as soon as a fruit comes
in contact with the sun,
it becomes ripe.
don't try to know what
the sun has whispered to
the fruit -
there are so many secrets
we don't know -
we are not waiting to be
lovers someday in the future -
We are already madly
in love even before we
had this form.

nectar of existence

you are
the nectar of existence,
the pull that makes
seasons come and go -
look how your fragrance
brings the population of  bees
to our neighborhood -
 how your beauty
makes the moon shine  even brighter!
Do you see how your worries melt
quickly the very moment
you start loving?
My dear friend,
It is not the how many likes
You get on facebook or how
much you are educated that
matters –
It is how deeply and truly you
accept and enjoy yourself
every moment.

Monday, August 11, 2014

where their heart is

Most people are busy
thinking and they
identify themselves
with what they do for a living -
don't judge them -
don't exploit them -
don't think you are
better than them -
just point to them
where their heart is -
that is the most kind service
you can do for someone.

all the details

for now
you can think of
and focus on how
the morning breeze is caressing
the leaves on the tree –
your responsibility is
to be fully present.

tomorrow or next week

Don’t be afraid of
not knowing where
you are going or
what will happen
tomorrow or next week
trust how life is
dancing inside your cells –
only by giving up your
power to be in control,
you become powerful
and sweet like plum.

higher dimension of life

What is intoxicating
and miraculous and bewildering
to an awakened person
Can be considered foolish
and naive or childish
to the world
because the world’s heart
has not bloomed yet and
it does not understand
the mystery of this love,
the intensity of the higher
dimension of life

sweet responsibility.

Saying Yes
to what has come
to find us
is a great courage
and a sweet

the depth of this moment

by melting into the depth
of this moment
there is nothing you lose –
Instead you become
distilled and refined
like a diamond that
has entered fire –
and the entire world
flocks to your place
to do business with you

simple noticing

A simple noticing
that everything
and everyone you see
and hear and smell --
is the reminder of
Something very innocent
and pure ---
dissolves the ego’s desire
to accuse or blame
or even judge.

problems and issues

So called
problems and
Issues ---
exist only in the mind
and a person
who is lost in his
mind can find nothing
to talk about but
his problems and issues.

every being

on the outside,
a mountain looks
Immoveable and solid.
It begins smiling when
you touch it with your
beautiful feet that is
fully present.
When a little volcano
moves through its veins,
It trembles with
You know, dear one,
everything is alive
every being
has feelings.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

drop all the details

for now
drop all the details
you can think of
and focus on how
the morning breeze is caressing
the leaves on the tree –
your responsibility is
to be fully present.

point of view

you look at a person
or the sky
with your own point of view -
with your past experience -
with a monologue
in your mind,
what you can see
is not the real person
or the sky -
it is your own
point of view.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

days and nights

of counting
how many times
someone has become
unkind to you,
why don’t you pay attention to
how the beloved tickles your
heart days and nights?

the music

You are
not what can possibly
be owned nor can be
discussed in committee meetings –
you are the music that we
hear when everything else
is quiet.

your own sweet eyes

Is it possible to hide
from your own elegance?
tenderness will come
to find you eventually -
to knock on your door-
and gaze at you with
your own sweet eyes -
a glass filled with doubt
drops from your shivering hand
breaking on a hard wood floor -
that will be the end of your confusion -
the end of your pursuit
for happiness
because you are


seeing goodness

Can be no
better religion
than seeing goodness
In everybody and
In everything –